Another Political Thread.

Sing a song of politics - a season full of woe.

Libs and Labs and Greenies, going toe to toe.

As the day approaches, they all begin to brawl,

What a sorry spectacle to set before us all.

Julia's in the tax office, trying to make us leaner,

Tony's in the boardroom, cosying up to Gina,

Christine's in the garden, talking to the pixies,

Time for the electorate to blow them all to bitses. (metaphorically speaking of course)

Message 1 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

"Usual group"....There's only me and the She Elephant posting ditties and I haven't been around for years = Blows that theory eh what?...lmao.   But feel free to (Follow your preferred leader) & generalise your disdain to anyone you might not happen to agree for vanity, that's more for the Narcissists of this world who think there are no other opinions or means of expression but their own -  Sound familiar? 


You best condescend us some more though....'cause we're obviously not real good with Subtlety...:-x:^O


Plenty more where the above came from....





Message 11 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Community Member

"Usual group"....There's only me and the She Elephant posting ditties and I haven't been around for years = Blows that theory eh what?...lmao.   But feel free to (Follow your preferred leader) & generalise your disdain to anyone you might not happen to agree for vanity, that's more for the Narcissists of this world who think there are no other opinions or means of expression but their own -  Sound familiar? 


You best condescend us some more though....'cause we're obviously not real good with Subtlety...:-x:^O


Plenty more where the above came from....







As for condecending, is the truth condecending or is it too hard to swallow,.


You are a prolific political poster, what's your defence of this post. As for the "haven't been around for years" who mentioned that anywhere. Ridicule & name calling OK is it?


Message 12 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Whose truth?  yours? 


Prolific?  I don't post on any other site actually....not on Twaddle, not on Faceache and not here generally.....I'd hardly call that comparison, I understand at least four posting IDs on this forum spamming right wing dogma,  are doing the same on other sites.


That's what you might call prolific....but keep huffing and clearly need to release some of that pent up rage somewhere.

Message 13 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Monman, I don't know I you are aware of it, but most of the best known and best loved nursery rhymes in the English language started life as very adult pieces of political satire.

Message 14 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Hey diddle diddle, they're all on the fiddle,

They think we're a nation of dorks,

They  lie and they cheat and they're full of deceit.

Let's hear it again for Guy Fawkes.

Message 15 of 28
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Another Political Thread.



Politics is full of shonks,
Canberra's broken out in fights.
Julia is wearing Glasses
Ducking upper cuts and rights.
Tony Abbott Dyes his Hair
But his policies aren’t there
Integrity, where are you....???




Message 16 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

TGSE: "Monman, I don't know I you are aware of it, but most of the best known and best loved nursery rhymes in the English language started life as very adult pieces of political satire."

I do actually TGSE, and many of them were clever/subtle.


Those were the days, but not today/here



Message 17 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Nice One TGSE -Got another one rolling around in my head - (so much material on the news to work with on a daily basis=it's a parody gold mine)......takes no skill whatsoever as you know...just mindless ditties that pop right out of your brain when you least expect it, like word salad......Better out than In I always say....


Hey btw this 'ignore' function works a treat. 


Too bad more people don't take advantage of it. - Works for me

Message 18 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

"Hey btw this 'ignore' function works a treat. 

 Too bad more people don't take advantage of it. - Works for me"







Message 19 of 28
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Another Political Thread.

Six Drops of essence of Labor

Five Drops of LNP sauce

When the voting’s done, will the BS stop?

Of course, ha ha, of course;-)


Now for a tincture of Greenie

with a thought for our rural townships

For without a touch of Greenie, Pollies might destroy Oz,

=Woops Apocolypse

better hold your vote, consider your pick

“With choices so bad it’s making you sick”

What have we done?......Hung Parliament !! more years of fun



Message 20 of 28
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