Another corrupt Lib

It seems Sinodinos has been doing dodgy deals.

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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@monman12 wrote:

Why not wait then for the ICAC to question witnesses from both sides?, which it will.


Meanwhile that very much defended (here) union loving union funds spending upon "union matters" convicted criminal Thomson,  is about to be sentenced. I do not think he will receive hard time, he would probably enjoy that.




he's a minor offender by comparison ,  regardless of that you seem obsessed with him.  a lot of the defense of thomson (here , me) had that in mind when the claims that he stole half a million or so when it was $6200 dollars.  his election campaign was funded by the hsu you say ? yes i know that. sinodinis and co donated how much to the LNP to acquire a senate spot ?

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Message 22 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

Dodgy deals excused and supported by abbott.

Now hockey is involved too. Oh no, will we lose both a treasurer and his assistant?

I hope so.

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Message 28 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@monman12 wrote:

"he's a minor offender by comparison ,  regardless of that you seem obsessed with him."  (Thomson)

Actually LL he is a convicted felon who was much defended by some here, and in law a minor offence is called  a misdemeanor or summary offence,  Thomson was prosecuted and found guilty of criminal offences.

LL" .... a lot of the defense of thomson (here , me) had that in mind when the claims that he stole half a million or so when it was $6200 dollars."

Strange that LL,($6200), as Thompson's lawyer Greg James, QC, recently stated:
March 19, 2014
Mr James said Thomson had agreed to repay the HSU the $24,538.42 he embezzled with union-issued credit cards

Anybody  allegedly guilty of corruption or fraud  should certainly be held accountable within the law, so far Sinodinos is "guilty" of  "that he would have ''enjoyed a $10 or $20 million payday if Australian Water had won a lucrative government contract." Note the "would have" and "if" and that the contract did not eventuate. Reminds me a little of: "if ifs and ands were pots and pans, there'd be no work for tinkers' hands"

The ICAC will examine all aspects of the events free from the baying of a (biased?) lynch mob, and eventually produce results based upon facts. Meanwhile remember Thompson is a convicted criminal,  Sinodinos only  "would have been, if".

grist for the pink millers.



 i know he took out a mortgage to pay that amount back, but he was convicted on $6200 worth in terms of his case. why the difference i'm unsure.. it certainly looks petty when viewed in light of Str Sinodinos likely payday of  $10-20 million though doesn't it ?

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Message 29 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

i note that no one has yet commented on this


very hypocritical of the LNP and typical of their one eyed supporters....


pretend it didnt happen and it might go away......nuh, not for lnp and not for anyone


everyday i am gobsmacked at lnp and supporters hypocrasy and penchant for hiding things and sweeping stuff under the carpet

Message 2 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@fiestas*girl wrote:

i note that no one has yet commented on this


very hypocritical of the LNP and typical of their one eyed supporters....


pretend it didnt happen and it might go away......nuh, not for lnp and not for anyone


everyday i am gobsmacked at lnp and supporters hypocrasy and penchant for hiding things and sweeping stuff under the carpet

You've got to understand the thinking of the current mob.

If you rip off $20B it's all for the common good because you can spend about 1% of that by hiring someone to wash your car and clean your toilet then they can buy a meal or two which helps the local supermarket and water company plus it reduces a couple of dole payments for a few weeks.

Message 3 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

Now hang on you two, presumption of innocence must apply Man Tongue


A presumption that was in very short supply when Labor party connections were accused of various corrupt activities.


It will be interesting to see how this pans out - a serious test of abbott's commitment to a code of conduct for his Ministers.


Although I'm not holding my breath - after all, the adults are back in charge, and they are open for business *cough*

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 4 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@pct001wine wrote:

Now hang on you two, presumption of innocence must apply Man Tongue


A presumption that was in very short supply when Labor party connections were accused of various corrupt activities.


It will be interesting to see how this pans out - a serious test of abbott's commitment to a code of conduct for his Ministers.


Although I'm not holding my breath - after all, the adults are back in charge, and they are open for business *cough*

Didn't he already do away with the code of conduct?  

After all, the virtuous Libs don't need any code of conduct as they honest and virtuous by way of their superior DNA with an inbuilt honour gene. It's only Labor and greens who are afflicted with DNA that causes them to need constant scrutiny.


Let's have a royal commission into Labor people, yes let's have a royal commission into Labor people.  

There was only one march in Sydney, the one for St Patrick"s day.  There was only one march in Sydney, the one for St Patrick's day.

let's be crystal clear about that, yes, let's be crystal clear about that. 


It's all about the toxic tax, yes it's all about the toxic Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax Carbon tax carbon tax



Message 5 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

An other very good reason why water should not be given to the private sector to be traded around solely for the purpose of creating a profit.

Message 6 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

how convenient not to supply a link

further investigation shows that labor people are also involved.....but carry on

Message 7 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

He is a bit vague on it, if he was to gain money surely he would remember?

What about the returned donations?


It's all a bit fishy

Message 8 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

how convenient not to supply a link

further investigation shows that labor people are also involved.....but carry on

and at least 2 serving Liberal state MPs. proof that NSW disease is definitely bi-partisan Smiley Happy

Message 9 of 47
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Re: Another corrupt Lib

@lakeland27 wrote:

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

how convenient not to supply a link

further investigation shows that labor people are also involved.....but carry on

and at least 2 serving Liberal state MPs. proof that NSW disease is definitely bi-partisan Smiley Happy

Libs like to think they are untouchable, turns out they mix with all types lol

Message 10 of 47
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