Anyone Doing Dry January?

Man cuts out alcohol and coffee for two years and this is what happened


Thousands of people are three days into a Dry January, the tedious annual ritual of skipping all alcoholic drinks for 30 days.


But what happens if you manage to nail Dry January, then decide to keep going – for another two years?


A New York designer did just that, and the results were genuinely surprising.


One of the big things that disappeared from his life? Gossip.


Tobias Van Schneider wrote, “If there is one thing I noticed quite early, then it’s the lack of social interaction my new diet brought with it.”

“When a group of people asks me to join them for drinks, I mostly default to answer with NO because I just don’t want to deal with gossip as a sober person.”


There were also some clear, big wins for both his body and his wallet: he says he saved $1,000 a month, his sleep quality improved, and he felt less stressed.


Living in New York, Tobias says it’s normal to have 1-2 drinks every day and found that by cutting out the occasional cocktail, he managed to accrue $1000 more in his bank account.

“Assume that I have 2–3 cocktails every other day (which are $10 each without tip), including some wine bottles every month for at home I can easily spend $1000,” he added.

While his cash-flow increased, so did his sleep quality as Tobias afforded skipping that post-work beer for an improved night’s kip. 

“Removing alcohol from my diet increased my sleep quality drastically,” he wrote.

“I sleep better, and I wake up with more energy.”


Similarly, removing coffee from his diet meant that he felt more relaxed.

Tobias admits that the drink always made him feel stressed out, increased his chance of anxiety and also caused problems with his digestion.


Entire Article Here


Don't know about a whole month, but I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since NY's eve.

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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

Yup I am 'n all the other months as well    ... oh, hang on, I dont drink alcohol

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

Good on ya, Bushie's!


Woman Happy

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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

Honored Contributor

By giving up alcohol, he says he's saved about $1,000 month.


That's $250 a week FGS!       Who spends that much money on booze?


The guy's a lush.  


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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?


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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?


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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

He could be an ex-pat.
Message 7 of 14
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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

"Living in New York, Tobias says it’s normal to have 1-2 drinks every day and found that by cutting out the occasional cocktail,"


It's funny that he says he has 1-2 drinks a day and then says it's occasional, lol.


Most of you know I live in NY....we call those people alcoholics. (1-2 drinks - translation = 4 to 6 drinks)


“When a group of people asks me to join them for drinks, I mostly default to answer with NO because I just don’t want to deal with gossip as a sober person.”


Most people who abuse any kind of drug, then quit, always have that "I'm better than you" attitude.


But yeah, hanging with drunks while straight sucks.



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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?

I can't afford to buy alcohol but me without coffee is unthinkable



No coffee, no workee



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Re: Anyone Doing Dry January?


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