on 19-08-2015 01:35 AM
For the last number of years the term, " we are what we eat " has been bantered around to in a sense, shock us into looking at what we consume in our Bodies. So l decided to get a New Map of the Adelaide Metropolitan Area and plot where the three main "Fast Food Outlet" providers were located. What l found not only surprised me, but also showed some other interesting similarities with another "Community Provider". Cash Converter's- Pay Day Lender.
The three main fast food outlets l used were, McDonald's, Hungry Jack's & Red Rooster.
l remember reading a Letter to the Editor, of The Adelaide Advertiser, middle of last year, (2014), where a person wrote in to the paper on similar lines, and mentioned, l quote: " It is no good moving the fast food outlets out of the poorer areas, as the Fatties will find them, no matter where you put them. " At the time, l thought that a remark like that was a bit "under the belt", so to speak.
However, my very thorough Research has found a Disturbing Trend by these Fast Food Outlets, to mainly be placed in what we call today by Government Terms, to be Lower Social-Economic Areas. Areas of High Unemployment, Single Mothers with children of all ages, and Areas of what is left over of the so called "Blue Collar" Workforce. (very few left now)
There are 38 Mcdonald's Fast Food "Restaurant's" in the Greater Adelaide Metropolitan Area, 20 of these are in LSEA's.
There are 10 Hungry Jack's Fast Food "Restaurant's" in the Greater Adelaide Metropolitan Area, 5 of these are in LSEA's.
There are 5 Red Rooster Fast Food "Restaurant's" in the Greater Adelaide Metropolitan Area, 4 of these are in LSEA's.
Even though these so called "Fast Food Restaurant's" claim to have "Diet Type" meals, and Lower "Fat" content items, the huge amount of Salt and other preservatives that are included are disturbing. The Soft Cones, Soft Drinks from the Tap Syrup Dispenser, and the ingredients of these so called "Healthier" Burgers, leave much to be consumed, and left with for a long time to come.
A News article from the Channel 10 News at 5pm tonight, mentioned that we (Australia) have one of the Highest Salt Contents in Fast Food, in the whole world. Huge amounts more than the UK, & the USA. (USA, the Home of Fast Food Outlets)
A visit at almost anytime to Hungry Jack's & Mcdonald's (especially around meal time, or after school time) will show you obese not only "children", but in the Adults that are there with them. Another Generation growing up and being Drafted into the "Fast Food " meal time event. I guess my most disappointing "discovery" was the amount of severely obese individuals that were lining up for "seconds" orders, and then partaking of the Soft Cone/Soft Drinks.
What has this type of "eating" brought upon our children and families ? What can be done to correct this sad situation ?
More Federal Funding to Medicare/Health Fund Providers ?
School Education starting as early as Pre-School, in Healthy Eating, and staying Healthy, and more outside activities on the school oval.
The Best Advise, is that proper training start in the home, ...if possible. (not always possible).
What do you think ?
on 19-08-2015 01:49 AM
on 19-08-2015 02:05 AM
on 19-08-2015 02:23 AM
I agree with what j*oono said.
and I'd add that there's not much we can do about this problem other than to educate and encourage people towards changing unhealthy eating habits. Oh, and educate and teach and educate. (to legislate is of course, to risk Mc law suits?)
It's very cynical (read: Good business strategem) to place a higher density of fast food outlets in LSEA's where people have been brought up to think that these outlets sell real food for low prices with a minimum of effort on the buyer's part. (just look at the advertising to appreciate the "hooks")
In some of the LSEA's in America there exist "food deserts" where shops selling fresh groceries do not exist at all, leaving local residents little option but to buy junk food or travel miles to find real grocery shops.
When fresh food cannot be easily found locally and the education and/or the will power to work at developing one's knowledge of cooking is low, then the buzzards swoop in selling their Mc food at apparently low prices.
Home cooked meals are often cheaper and of better nutritional quality but are often more time expensive.
Some people have little experience of really good home-cooked meals or if they are lousy cooks and can't be bothered learning or they don't have access to the information then a Mc meal seems like a quick and easy option.
19-08-2015 02:46 AM - edited 19-08-2015 02:47 AM
Are we really what we eat?
Yep, some of us are fat, salty and chemical-numerically-enhanced, though we might be sweet human beings.
on 19-08-2015 05:07 AM
on 19-08-2015 09:47 AM
@iapetus_rocks wrote:Are we really what we eat?
Yep, some of us are fat, salty and chemical-numerically-enhanced, though we might be sweet human beings.
No Question about that point though, ....that can go without saying.
on 19-08-2015 09:51 AM
on 19-08-2015 09:57 AM
on 19-08-2015 11:08 AM
There's a reason.
years back I spoke to a woman I know, who had 6 kids and her explanation was that people on a low-average income can't afford to eat out at expensive restaurants but they still want to be like everyone else and sometimes have a break from cooking or take the family out, so maccas gives them an affordable outlet for a treat.
I think maybe we need to look at it the other way round. In the very high income areas, how many restaurants are there & how often do those couples eat out? I was shocked once to read that often these people can be out 3 or 4 times a week for fine dining. And for most, it is at least twice, eg for lunch with the girls or dinner.
Admittedly, they are probably eating better quality food but it seems to me hypocritical to be down on poorer people who buy take away once a week when their richer counterparts are eating out more.
Companies build where there is a market. The wealthy are going out just as much if not more, but not to cheaper places.
Answer. We need cheaper places that serve some healthier food in attractive ways.