Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers


A ‘PERVERSE’ arrangement which sees millions of Australian taxpayer dollars funnelled to New Zealand wine producers every year looks set to be abolished.


Wine and alcohol industry groups have joined with government backbenchers in calling on the loophole in the Wine Equalisation Tax rebate scheme to be closed in the upcoming review of Australia’s tax system.


The New Zealand rebate scheme was introduced in 2005 under the Howard government. Under the rebate scheme, Australian taxpayers “refunded” New Zealand wine makers to the tune of $25 million in the last financial year, up around 10 per cent on the $23 million paid in 2012-13.


The rebate, which is extended to New Zealand in accordance with the Australia and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement of 1983, has been labelled “perverse” and “absurd”.


Winemakers’ Federation of Australia chief executive Paul Evans has been meeting with government MPs this week to put the case for ending the rebate on the basis that it hurts Australian wine producers, with Australian taxpayers effectively “paying the competition to come in and flood the market”.

Thirty per cent of the top 20 wines in Australia are New Zealand brands.


“The original intention of the rebate was to support small- and medium-sized wineries. We believe the creation of the New Zealand scheme as part of our bilateral trading arrangements was perverse,” he said.


“Because they have a separate rebate scheme they enjoy a distinct commercial advantage over local producers, which is an absurd outcome in a market of oversupply.”


South Australian Liberal backbencher Tony Pasin, who represents more wine makers and grape growers than any other MP, has been lobbying the government to end the Kiwi subsidy.


While the New Zealand wine producers get the rebate, they don’t pay the tax in the first instance, and as such, it’s not a rebate but a subsidy, he argues.


Mr Pasin said he had raised the issue with Prime Minister Tony Abbott directly, who acknowledged the “inherent unfairness” of the scheme.


“This just doesn’t pass the pub test,” he said. “It’s certainly unfair, and the response I’ve had from our friends in New Zealand is, ‘Well, it might be unfair but you can’t stop us doing this because to amend the WET would be a breach of your trading obligations.’”


However, the government has been provided with legal advice on how the New Zealand rebate scheme can be unwound. Mr Pasin met with Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Thursday following meetings with the WFA earlier in the week.


Entire Article Here


What a stupid arrangement. What was Howard thinking? Give the NZ wine growers subsidies so they can flood our market with their wines and knock our local producers out of business!?


So many mistakes from previous governments coming home to roost on the shoulders of the current government. And then they try to cut welfare and medical benefits spending to make up the shortfall! 


So many taxhole loopholes, people sucking money off The Great MIlch Cow Australia.



Message 1 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

We had a thread about this awhile ago, not what it seems from memory.


Quite a few major wineries in NZ are owned by Australians/Australian companies.


Was reading an article in the news,the other day, Australians graduating with winemaking quals are moving to NZ to work over there as work in their field is easier to get, and if they are young, married and with small children they like the lifestyle better there.

Those interviewed were very happy with their lot over their. Their wives/partners were able to get work in their field too.


Case of sour grapes! New Zealand wine is better than Australian....That won't change if there is no subisidy.

Message 2 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

NZ Wine much better, it is all in the soil 🙂

Message 3 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

I know a few kiwis and your right they whine better
Message 4 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

@lionrose.7 wrote:

NZ Wine much better, it is all in the soil 🙂

....and cooler temperatures (in Sth Island for Pinot Noir )


NZ = a huge diversity of soils and climates.

Message 5 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

@wilk1149 wrote:
I know a few kiwis and your right they whine better

You getting mixed up with the Brits?  Woman LOL

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

@am*3 wrote:

We had a thread about this awhile ago, not what it seems from memory.


Quite a few major wineries in NZ are owned by Australians/Australian companies.


Well why wouldn't they, seeing the Aus government is subsidising them to grow and produce wine in NZ to import to Australia? So Aus wineries are moving to NZ to be able to get the subsidies Aus is giving to NZ, so Aus wineries in NZ can compete against themselves in Aus. Sheesh how stupid is that?


Was reading an article in the news,the other day, Australians graduating with winemaking quals are moving to NZ to work over there as work in their field is easier to get, and if they are young, married and with small children they like the lifestyle better there.


Sure they would. No jobs in the Australian wine industry because the Australian government is sending $25 mil to the  NZ  wine industry to send the Australian wine industry broke.


Those interviewed were very happy with their lot over their. Their wives/partners were able to get work in their field too.


see above comment. No jobs in the Australian industry because the Aus government is subsidising the NZ wine growers and putting the aussies out of a living. Stupid stupid stupid.!


Case of sour grapes! New Zealand wine is better than Australian....That won't change if there is no subisidy.


That's a matter of taste an opinion. Hopefully our current government will wake up to itself and stop this unfair subsidy. Let the Chinese look after NZ.


Message 7 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

No, it's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of awards won (many international ones as well). Cat LOL


The rest of your replies to my comments aren't based on facts either.


That is an OLD article the opening post is based on. Feb 2015. I am sure you started a thread about it then. 


Message 8 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

The rebate is still avail to NZ producers of rebatable wine . Obviously Abbott did nothing. 

Message 9 of 22
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Re: Aus Taxpayers Fund NZ Wine Growers

Did you read this bit in the OP?


'Mr Pasin said he had raised the issue with Prime Minister Tony Abbott directly, who acknowledged the “inherent unfairness” of the scheme.


“This just doesn’t pass the pub test,” he said. “It’s certainly unfair, and the response I’ve had from our friends in New Zealand is, ‘Well, it might be unfair but you can’t stop us doing this because to amend the WET would be a breach of your trading obligations.’”


However, the government has been provided with legal advice on how the New Zealand rebate scheme can be unwound. Mr Pasin met with Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Thursday following meetings with the WFA earlier in the week.'




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