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Breathing bugs

Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly- . I don't know why she swallowed a fly, However the fly one did not try to swallow what I , think may have been a moskitoI walked outside, took a breath, only trying to swallow...

Come on in, the water's fine!

I'm Jess, known as jessicadazzler. I'm not new to eBay, but I just wanted to say hi.*big wave* Hi!If you like, you can say hi too below and introduce yourself, as I don't know any of you on these community boards. Come on in, the water's fine!

Resolved! weekly photo challenge. Theme is FUN

Rules.....Everyone is welcome to enterAnyone can give kudos.Photo must be your own workPhoto enhancement is permitted, must be your own workPhoto with most kudos is winner, and chooses the next theme (message me with the theme)Tally is done Monday ni...

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RIP John Nash

John Nash [subject of "A Beautiful Mind] and his wife have died in a car accident. RIP.

Resolved! Embedding Youtube Videos

What's different? What has youtube changed that now makes it impossible to embed their videos and post them? (or at least for me) I've never had a problem before. It keeps telling me the address is invalid. I've tried every which way but loose If som...

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Huge Oil Spill On California Coast

The governor of California has declared an emergency after a pipeline rupture dumped thousands of litres of oil into the ocean, as crews scramble to contain the oil slick and clean up popular beaches. A day after the spill near Santa Barbara, northwe...

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