Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

Doing  a big cleanout as we are moving house and have found DD''s baby capsule (original with the velcross strap not harness), car & booster seat still in original boxes.

Do I just toss them out or can they be adjusted to use now and donate to St Vinnies.  DD born in 1990.

tip toe through the tulips
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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

Throw out....they are stamp date and it's not recommended to use them after 10 years.

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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

Throw out....they are stamp date and it's not recommended to use them after 10 years.

Twinkles is correct, I'd toss them

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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

Throw them out, to old. Vinnies wouldn't take them I don't think. Fact I don't think any charity place would take them, correct me if I'm wrong.

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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

You could ask the local kinder if they would like them for their home  play area. I donated baby bath, bassinet etc which the children played with

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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

no charity place will take them if they are more than 10 years old.

It is also illegal to sell them if they are more than 10 years old

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Re: Baby capsule & car seat from long ago..

 a capsule or baby seat over 10 years old - will have a date stamp - is illegal to sell and not recommended for use due to age and wear and tear.

Also the velco capsules were phased out years ago and cannot be used anymore

No charity will take them anyway.

I know - it is a shame - I have two car seats  in my garage.

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