Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

A man loses his wife and the impact of that and the attempt to cope with the lost causes him to be evicted from his home.





Evicted After Wife Died, Now Homeless in Venice Beach
Dec 2, 2020
834K subscribers
Simba (street name) met his wife fishing. I love that. Sadly, Simba's wife was very sick from complications with diabetes. She needed a kidney transplant. Simba's wife was on the transplant list at USC Medical Center, but while she was waiting for a donor, her health got worse. The emotional stress of being her caregiver was hard enough; when his wife died, Simba became severely depressed. He started to self medicate with marijuana to help him sleep. This was four years ago, and people's views of marijuana were much different then. Today, it probably would not even be an issue, but Simba's landlord used his cannabis use to evict him



This was beyond his control and because of an unfair reason he is now on the streets at age 65.
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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Your point. ???????

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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Death and Taxes are the only 2 gaurantees in life, so they say.    People, often through no fault of there own, become homeless everyday.   Could be anyone of us, who knows what the future may bring

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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Self Medicate lol .


Sounds much better than " he turned into a drug addict" 


People die , it's part of life .

The strong survive , and in many cases, become better people for the experience. 


It's sad for someone to end up homeless,  but it's not the end of the line . Only he can turn his life around,  or fate may hand him a break .

Message 4 of 57
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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Sure, it's a sad story. The use of marijuana can ease depression or make it worse. But he made the choice. I assume he also knew the rules that applied in his residence. The Landlord probably had no choice. Life sucks at times, but he will have to bounce back, if he's up to it.

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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

So, who is he blaming?  His wife for getting sick, the hospital for not finding a donor kidney soon enough, the dealers who sold him the marijuana or the landlord who kicked him out?  Or himself?


Yes, it is a sad story and one which you will hear in many variations wherever you find homeless people.  I do note that this happened in USA - but I'm sure there are similar cases in Australia.


But where is the solution?  When our government and the majority of our voting population (well, how else did this govt get elected?) are as mean spirited and nasty as they are, what can be done? 

Message 6 of 57
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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide


@feloniexyz wrote:

Self Medicate lol .


Sounds much better than " he turned into a drug addict" 


People die , it's part of life .

The strong survive , and in many cases, become better people for the experience. 


It's sad for someone to end up homeless,  but it's not the end of the line . Only he can turn his life around,  or fate may hand him a break .

Well, he was only on the weed. Sadly for him he broke the rules. Sadly for him he didn'rt have anything left to fall back on.


@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

Sure, it's a sad story. The use of marijuana can ease depression or make it worse. But he made the choice. I assume he also knew the rules that applied in his residence. The Landlord probably had no choice. Life sucks at times, but he will have to bounce back, if he's up to it.


I hope he bounces back. The problem is that the US is run by greedy corporations with elected (so-called) mouth pieces who are powerless to change the bad situation for the suffering-class even if they wanted to.


I hear you but how can a 65 year old Afican American man with depression lingering due to the loss of his wife bounce back?


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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Where there's a will,  there's a way. 

Message 8 of 57
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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

Well maybe Simba can. He comes across and an intelligent and articulate man. Maybe a helping hand to start with.

Message 9 of 57
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Becoming homeless - How an event creates a downward slide

What has being African American go to do with anything?


Are you suggesting that an African American is somehow weaker willed than any other race or should received special attention?


I can assure you that my 82 year old father was devastated when he lost Mum after nearly 60 years together but he got through it and lasted another 10 years.

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