Best Christmas present... EVER !!

With just 32 more days to go before Christmas, I thought it might be fun to talk 'prezzies'.



What's the best Christmas present you've EVER been given, and why?


And/or what's the best Christmas present you've EVER seen someone else given, and why? 




Message 1 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

Good memories Modestbods Smiley Very Happy.  Does your brother still remember it?


I thought all my Christmases were special and yet looking back, we received very little.  It was always a special time though and we did get presents.


I think my best one was the cavalier king charles spaniel our daughter bought us.  We still have her and she is a delight.

 photo 214a93fa3a9e326200857a2dbc30e730_zps379416e4.jpg
Message 11 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

Just because some husbands/boyfriends/partners do not remember anniversaries does not mean that they do not love each other, I'm sure of that.


Mind you, it can be deliberate or indifference of course, but that might be because the relationship has failed and those times don't matter to them anyway ... Smiley Sad

Message 12 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

@sandypas wrote:

Good memories Modestbods Smiley Very Happy Does your brother still remember it?


I have no idea, but probably not.


I would like to think he might still remember how he felt at that moment I yelled what I did at him though. Yes I know, that might seem mean of me, but trust me, if you knew my older brother... Smiley Wink

Message 13 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

thank you for sharing that - i could actually see it in my mind.... Smiley Very Happy

Message 14 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

@cmcoins2000 wrote:

@tasfleur wrote:

The best Christmas ever was when my husband asked me to marry him on Christmas day over 30 years ago now.


The really best part is, we still celebrate it together and have every Christmas as a special one, as well as our wedding anniversary on July 1st .....  Heart

Go Tas.


I have been married 26 years.


My OH has remembered 2 Anniversaries.


AND they were not consecutive - 2nd & 8th.

Hello - 3 Kudo's.


What is so good about 2 out of 26.


It became a family joke - married on either 3/3/88 or 4/3/88 - neither of us can remember.


Early March I go to the chest & get said cert - check date.


I used to go buy him a gift - only to embarass - wrap & present at dinner - hoping for - well, anything.


Now I wait till the day after & say - Thank You Very Much - Again.


He has been known to hang his head saying 'did I forget your birthday'.


Good ploy - knows birthday is in May.



Message 15 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

One anniversary earlier on in our marriage, my darling husband purchased a lovely set of pots and pans for me and I still have them, they're as good as ever, so I can relate to that clatu xx



Message 16 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

It's great he bought it for you, hope you have many happy meals to cook with it xx

Message 17 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

A pack of 10 movie ticket vouchers
Message 18 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

I love the bike story. 


My mom gave my sister and I ping pong paddles and balls one year. We couldn't figure out how we were supposed to use those gifts. Along the same lines(as the bike story), we eventually realized that a ping pong table was hidden elsewhere. We loved that gift.  My sister and I got very competitive playing that game. To this day, I'm pretty good at ping-pong. 😉


My answer to the OP , is ... anything that goes away. Food items, soaps, etc. I don't need stuff. 


In saying that, I wear a watch (every single day) that my BIL bought me several years ago. I bought my husband a watch about 5 years ago as a joke(because he already has too many). The joke was that the watch is huge, and the numbers are really large. He gets more compliments on that watch, than any other watch he wears. Jokes on us! 


So my favorite list goes like this, not necessarily in this order. 

 Really good chocolate, or fudge.

 Gift cert. to the movie theater, or restaurant.

 Homemade gifts are appreciated. 

 Unique tree ornaments.

An interesting book.

 A donation to MY favorite charity in my name.

A watch... 😉 which nobody needs any longer, because their smart phones do everything for them. 




no siggy
Message 19 of 27
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Re: Best Christmas present... EVER !!

The gift I remember most of all from my childhood was the Annie Oakley outfit.  At the age of 6 it was my first store-bought present.


It played a key role in lots of games of cowboys and indians, where the girl in the white tasselled, red outfit  was always a winner.



Message 20 of 27
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