on โ30-06-2014 09:50 AM
I used some on my kitchen benchtop as per my neighbour's recommendation. Came up a treat!
Then I used it on the floor. It lifted a lot of grime off I didn't even realise was there!
Didn't like using it in the bathroom though. I took heaps off rinsing to get the white residue off.
I like the microfibre sponges for the bathroom.
on โ30-06-2014 12:38 PM
bi carb is a life saver when house training puppies
my lil Bella would have accidents or deliberates on the carpet, sprinkle over bi carb (a fair amount to cover the wet patch), leave to dry and brush up the now dried excess with a dustpan and broom and use a vaccum to get rid of the last of it
no odour, no stains....easy peasy~!
on โ30-06-2014 01:15 PM
Bi carb in the vegies depletes the vitamin content.
on โ30-06-2014 01:21 PM
That's what I thought - wasn't sure though
Chinese use it to tenderise meat - it works but it
just starts the putrefaction process though
on โ30-06-2014 02:49 PM
on โ30-06-2014 02:58 PM
Yep. Also good for mozzie bites
on โ30-06-2014 03:16 PM
on โ30-06-2014 03:19 PM
how long do you leave your teeth soaking in the glass Dsk?
on โ30-06-2014 05:35 PM
*chokes on my coffee
on โ30-06-2014 05:39 PM
on โ01-07-2014 02:08 AM
@the*scarlet*pimpernel wrote:how long do you leave your teeth soaking in the glass Dsk?
Coupla hours Pimpy, then I dry thhem off with a chamois and pop them back in the gob...works a treat!