Bill's Budget Reply

Community Member

Not one single thread about it. It went down like a lead balloon and only the hired peanut gallery did the cheering whilst his own benches sat like stunned mullets.


Chris Harcher, the left journo commented "Bill Shorten just made sure he will n ever lead Labor to victory".

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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

@debra9275 wrote:

Unfortuntely I can't open the links provided here as I'm over my reading limit for the month, but from what I've seen he was critical of  abbotts budget too

He's tough on them all, he was very tough on Julia Gillard too. I think there should be more like him as we need to read the negative.

Message 11 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

Yes I agree, I got that impression from what I've been able to see

Message 12 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

Community Member

I beg to differ but he is one of the very virulent left wing journos working today. I guess the reason why most of you like him is because of that very fact. Man LOL

Message 13 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

Community Member

His comment that : Bill Shorten's budget reply will make sure he never leads Labor to Victory, is true and hit it on the head exactly.


Here we have a leader of Labor telling everybody that things will be so much better under us, we'll give you all so much more, handouts left right and centre, no wonder you all liked his reply but the serious people see that it is a stupid hand out budget and if he goes to the next election with only half of his idiotic largesse he will never win victory.



Message 14 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

@icyfroth wrote:

It sounded like a beginner's speech at Toastmasters lol

and Hockey sounded like a used car salesman selling a dud  Woman LOL

Message 15 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

@ladydeburg wrote:

I beg to differ but he is one of the very virulent left wing journos working today. I guess the reason why most of you like him is because of that very fact. Man LOL

I don't particularly like or dislike him, don't know much about him, but if he doesn't work for newscorpse he must be a decent human being

Message 16 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

@debra9275 wrote:

@ladydeburg wrote:

I beg to differ but he is one of the very virulent left wing journos working today. I guess the reason why most of you like him is because of that very fact. Man LOL

I don't particularly like or dislike him, don't know much about him, but if he doesn't work for newscorpse he must be a decent human being

says it all really.Man LOL Don't know him don't read him, don't know anything about him but if he's a Fairfax journo he's fine.  Man LOL


No wonder these boards have deteriorated to the extent that all it is now from the left is snipes, name calling, deliberate misspelling of id's and anything  else they don't like.

Message 17 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply




most journos are fine imo, except the really obviously biased ones


No wonder these boards have deteriorated to the extent that all it is now from the left is snipes, name calling, deliberate misspelling of id's and anything  else they don't like.


who is doing that??

Message 18 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

here's an article by Peter Hartcher this morning where he's pretty much saying he doesn't like any of them


This is what happens when you have two weak leaders. A budget of pandering met by a budget-in-reply of yet more pandering. Tony Abbott is so weakened that he has brought down a budget fit for an election year in only the second year of his three-year term.


And Bill Shorten's grip on Australia's hearts and minds is so feeble that he has joined Abbott in a mutual fantasy that doesn't stand the commonsense test.



he doesn't seem to be a leftie journo to me

Message 19 of 25
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Re: Bill's Budget Reply

"there would be more funding from corporate tax evaders ( I noticed he was able to put a monetary figure on that whereas Hockey refused to, which makes me think the LNP aren't genuine in going after it)"


I would have thought  that an ALP limpet might remember  (history and pain, sorry) when the ALP last put  a monetary figure on perceived forward "funding".   

The: " look at what we will get when we tax all those big greedy mining companies", followed by "let's spend it anyway, before we get it" 

Result "oh dear" and the annual Swan song which never became a hit, or even eventuated:   I promise you a surplus garden,  I promise you a surplus garden,  I promise you a surplus garden. Whatever.


Hockey would appear to  not be so stupidly profligate as to spend before knowing what he might  actually receive/have:


"Mr Hockey said the government was ready to move on multinational companies shifting billions in profits overseas, but he would not put a dollar figure on the revenue it may generate.

"We have identified the sums that are being shifted, but identifying the actual amount that is required to be remitted in tax is a different story," Mr Hockey said.

"I am not going to make the same mistake that Labor made and bank money that is not identifiable and bank money that comes from, in [Labor's] case, fake integrity measures."


John L-R.jpg






Message 20 of 25
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