on 10-07-2015 04:28 PM
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Australia's famous Kat in the Hat may soon be no more.
Federal MP Bob Katter is considering hanging up his signature Akubra because he's hopping mad about the hat maker's decision to ditch its Australian rabbit skin suppliers to cut costs.
Mr Katter is possibly the country's most prominent Akubra fan, wearing the wide-brimmed head wear everywhere he goes.
So he's hoping it doesn't get to the point where he has to take his hat off.
"I believe in Akubra ... I remain entirely hopeful they will put Australian content back into their formulation," he told AAP.
Akubra plans to source all its rabbit skins from Europe, primarily France and Belgium, because it has become too costly and difficult to produce and cut them in Australia.
Chief financial officer Roy Wilkinson said the company had been using mostly imported skins for years anyway, as domestic supplies had dwindled after the introduction of rabbit calicivirus disease.
He said Akubra had no choice to go abroad as demand was increasing.
"We simply can't get supply (in Australia)," he said.
But Mr Katter didn't buy that argument.
"If they can't find a source of rabbits in Australia I will help them out because we have about 30 living in our street in Charters Towers," he said.
Mr Katter owns six Akubras but says he will resort to wearing another brand of wide brim hat if the Australian rabbit skins are ditched.
He said Australians bought Akubras for "style and image" and didn't care about paying an extra few dollars to support local suppliers.
And the maverick MP obviously thinks the Akubra is pretty stylish, given he last year gave one to big hat-loving hiphopper Pharrell Williams.
on 10-07-2015 04:55 PM
Geez Bob there is a few here in NZ we want to give you, come on over 🙂
on 10-07-2015 05:23 PM
Icy-Akubra hats are an Aussie icon.
Had my latest one for 20+ years -wear it every day.
Geez--if it could tell stories ......lol.
Bit weather beaten and a few badges stuck on it.
Feel naked if i go out the door without it on........................................Richo.
on 10-07-2015 05:46 PM
Akubra state it takes between 10 and 14 rabbits to make one hat
on 10-07-2015 05:55 PM
Stawka--enough rabbits about to make the hats-think the labour costs are the problem.
Lots of different styles-i prefer the...snowy river.
Bob Katters hat style should all be exported to Texas.
The other one i have never liked was the one worn
by the ..bush tucker man .Les Hiddens.................................................Richo.
10-07-2015 05:57 PM - edited 10-07-2015 06:00 PM
AUstralian Governmet should give liscenses for people to be able to breed rabbits under controlled conditions, just for the purose of supplying Acubra with the pelts.
Also lots of people would buy the killed rabbits to cook some delicious meals.
It would give lots of unemployed people the opportunity to start their own little business and have an income better than the Centerlink payments, and Acubra would not have to look for overseas suppliers.
JMHO, Erica
on 10-07-2015 06:11 PM
So people want to wear Bunnies on their head, why do I find this so funny
on 10-07-2015 06:26 PM
on 10-07-2015 07:22 PM
Stawka--enough rabbits about to make the hats-think the labour costs are the problem.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. We sell lambswool moccasins at work, made from Australian lambswool, but we ship it to China to make the moccies and then have them shipped back here. Its hard to imagine how that could be cost effective but obviously it is.
on 10-07-2015 07:34 PM
@lind9650 wrote:AUstralian Governmet should give liscenses for people to be able to breed rabbits under controlled conditions, just for the purose of supplying Acubra with the pelts.
Also lots of people would buy the killed rabbits to cook some delicious meals.
It would give lots of unemployed people the opportunity to start their own little business and have an income better than the Centerlink payments, and Acubra would not have to look for overseas suppliers.
JMHO, Erica
I know, Erica it's ridiculous when we have a plague of rabbits here in Aus but we can't use them to manufacture the iconic Akubra hat.
I guess I can understand it in a way, because if they're running around in the bush whose going to round them up and do the dirty work.
But still.
You'd think someone would be able to breed enough to keep the hat business going.
I guess it's easier to collect the dole.