Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

Devastated friends have taken to social media to express their shock and sorrow after an 11-year-old boy was killed by his father at a cricket oval in Melbourne's southeast.


Luke Batty died from severe head injuries at the oval in Tyabb, near Hastings, after he was attacked following the local club's cricket training.


The year six Flinders Christian Community College pupil was treated at the scene but was unable to be revived.


The victim's 54-year-old father, from Chelsea Heights, was taken to hospital in a life-threatening condition, after police say he came at officers with a knife after they were called to the scene in Tyabb, near Hastings, about 6.30pm (AEDT).


Commander Doug Fryer would not confirm if the father inflicted the boy's "quite brutal" injuries or exactly how the boy died, insisting that it was a matter for the coroner.


"I confirm that the male shot by police is father of the child who is deceased and we're not looking for anyone else," he said during a media briefing at the scene last night.


"I can confirm that the young boy has died of significant injuries. I'm not going to go into the detail of how they occurred or what they were," Fryer said on Thursday morning.


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Message 1 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

Let's hope we never get to find out.

Message 91 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

sorry, have only just caught up on all of this and just watched the mother speak.  very very sad, the father not of sound mind, battling with mental health issues.  We are obviously not doing enough for these illnesses, too many people walking the streets who obviously need to be hospitalised.  tragic.

Message 92 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

The father had an undiagnosed mental illness for over 20 years. From what the mother said, he didn't want to seek help (from medical practioners, family, anyone). Can't really blame Health services for that

Message 93 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

3 warrants had been issued for his arrest? but not actec on ? One for threating to kill Rosie Batty one for child porography 😞

Message 94 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father


I am not sure what the truth is but it appears it wasn't just his family that he was violent towards. He should have been arrested weeks before and put into some sort of forced mental health place.

Message 95 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father


LOUISE MILLIGAN: Rosie Batty successfully sought an intervention order against Luke's father last year. 7.30 has learned that after that, mid-last year, a third party made a notification to the local sexual offences and child abuse team at Victoria Police. That team investigated, but felt it could not be successfully prosecuted. They dropped the case. The staff in that unit are utterly devastated today.

ROSIE BATTY: And what I want to share with you is (inaudible) family violence, and if anything comes out of this, I want it to be a lesson to everybody. ... Family violence happens to everybody no matter how nice your house is, how intelligent you are. It happens to anyone and everyone and this has been an 11-year battle.



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 96 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father



Commissioner Bernie Geary will review the services provided to Luke and Ms Batty's family and how they may have impacted on the family.


"Our sympathies go out to this unbelievably brave woman and to hear her speak is just actually inspiring," he told ABC local radio.

"It's a sad story of the anguish and incomprehensible actions that happen sometimes that travel with mental illness.

"The intention of the review is to look at how we can enhance services, look at what works best and in this case what maybe hasn't worked."


Mr Geary says there are often no magic answers in such tragic cases.

"There is so much about a case like this that is incomprehensible and certainly not predictable," he said.


He is worried that people with mental illness will be stigmatised with being violent.

"I find a coward present more often in a family violence issue than I do a person with a mental illness," he said.

"I don't want people with mental illness to be tarred with the brush of violence always.

"There are so many people in the community who suffer bravely with mental illness issues [who] are certainly not violent."


This morning, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay confirmed Anderson did have outstanding warrants for domestic violence matters.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 97 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

The police should have medals pinned on them

Message 98 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

@jvharrison wrote:

The police should have medals pinned on them

What??  Why??  For not removing this violent man by the means that were

already in place?


This child would have still been alive had they done their job in the first place.


They only did something when their own lives were threatened!!



Message 99 of 121
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Boy Dead, Vic Police Shoot Father

@Woman Indifferentbluecat*dancing wrote:



Commissioner Bernie Geary will review the services provided to Luke and Ms Batty's family and how they may have impacted on the family.


"Our sympathies go out to this unbelievably brave woman and to hear her speak is just actually inspiring," he told ABC local radio.

"It's a sad story of the anguish and incomprehensible actions that happen sometimes that travel with mental illness.

"The intention of the review is to look at how we can enhance services, look at what works best and in this case what maybe hasn't worked."


Mr Geary says there are often no magic answers in such tragic cases.

"There is so much about a case like this that is incomprehensible and certainly not predictable," he said.


He is worried that people with mental illness will be stigmatised with being violent.

"I find a coward present more often in a family violence issue than I do a person with a mental illness," he said.

"I don't want people with mental illness to be tarred with the brush of violence always.

"There are so many people in the community who suffer bravely with mental illness issues [who] are certainly not violent."


This morning, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay confirmed Anderson did have outstanding warrants for domestic violence matters.

He shouldn't be speaking about violence and mental illness in the same speech then.

Some people without mental illness are violent, some people with mental illness are violent.


My FIL has never been violent in his life and he now has dementia, yesterday he was certain he had a snake in a cage and wanted me to find out what snakes eat, so he could feed it. For a man who has never had an angry word for anyone, he can become really angry in the blink of an eye and return to normal in the same amount of time.

We have no idea what goes on in the minds of people with mental illness, not even  people with mental illness know what others are thinking.


Message 100 of 121
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