Boycott Bali

Community Member

If the horrific murder of two Australians is carried out then we should boycott Bali and all things Indonesian.


We gave over a $billion dollars to this country after the tsunami, we prop then up with foreign aid and they spit in our faces.


They have  ignored all diplomatic attempts to mitigate their sentences and Watta a Joko has now signed the order to send them to the "killing Island" wouldn't want to kill them on Bali now would they, might upset the tourism business.


I'm appalled and disgusted, scared and frightened for these men and heartsick for their families.

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685 REPLIES 685

Re: Boycott Bali

Community Member

I suppose this opinion sums up what a lot of peope thought when seeing the trophy pictures splashed across media which reduced us all to ugly spectators.



BEING opposed to the death penalty, in my view, means being opposed to it in all cases.



This is not as easy as it sounds.

In most cases it is enough to see evil killers and their like sentenced to life imprisonment, so long as we know they will never be free.

Too often, however, we know that even the most brutal and heartless murderers can expect to rejoin society.

And over the years I have known relatives of murder victims, people who have had to live with the consequences and loss caused by heinous crimes.


It sometimes seems the very knowledge that the convicted killer of their loved one is still drawing breath, in a prison often in the same city, must be unsettling and unjust.

Sill others live in torment about the day the offender is released.

Yet for all this, my view is that state-sanctioned killing demeans us all.

For some of the very worst monsters — like the Bali bombers, for instance — it can even represent an easy way out and a claim to martyrdom.


Whenever I have doubts about my opposition to the death penalty, I think of the mechanics of the process.

Would I be prepared to be the executioner who pulls the trigger or administers a lethal injection?

Could I lead a prisoner to the gallows or strap him or her into an electric chair?

I could not.


And I abhor a system that would ask anyone to do such a thing.

Which brings me to that picture; that inconceivable, sickening and degrading photo of an Indonesian police commissioner, Djoko Hari Utomo, posing with Australia’s death row prisoners Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

How could a fellow human pose for a trophy photo with men on their way to execution?

To treat someone else’s fate with such disdain, such macabre novelty, is the ultimate demonstration of how the death penalty diminishes us all.


I don’t want the Australians killed, or the other death row prisoners in that menacing Indonesian island prison, even though I know they put themselves there through equal doses of selfishness and stupidity.

Nor should the Bali bombers have been killed, or Saddam Hussein, or anyone else.

Deprive the very worst of their liberty forever.


But don’t reduce us all to ugly spectators, mocking the very essence of life, like that Indonesian policeman.

Message 671 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

They say the punishment should fit the crime. 

Sounds great but clearly not something Indonesia seems to believe in. Boycott Bali and stop all aid

36 Bali bombers that killed 92 Australians are walking free



Message 672 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

@the_hawk* wrote:

They say the punishment should fit the crime. 

Sounds great but clearly not something Indonesia seems to believe in. Boycott Bali and stop all aid

36 Bali bombers that killed 92 Australians are walking free



Is that really correct?

Three ring leaders in the Bali bombing were executed already.

Message 673 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

And a few more of the group were shot dead. Nog sure if they had actual involvement in the bombing itself
Bu they were part of the cell.

A lot to be said for 'not arresting them" !

Message 674 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

@idlewhile wrote:

If the horrific murder of two Australians is carried out then we should boycott Bali and all things Indonesian.


We gave over a $billion dollars to this country after the tsunami, we prop then up with foreign aid and they spit in our faces.


They have  ignored all diplomatic attempts to mitigate their sentences and Watta a Joko has now signed the order to send them to the "killing Island" wouldn't want to kill them on Bali now would they, might upset the tourism business.


I'm appalled and disgusted, scared and frightened for these men and heartsick for their families.


I have just seen this ebay mesage board & this thread.


I'm in total aggreement with this boycott of Bali & moreso all Indonesia, & especially their Palm Oil products & their Forsetry exports of rainforst timber such as Merbau decking for one.


They don't care when Aussies die from Methanol poisoning, & by the hand of bombers, yet they catch & crucify drug muels, who were taking drugs bought from within Indonesia, to smuggle back to Australia.


But the bombers & those who helped insight & plan the bombings walk free. & the cleric Abu Bakar Ba'asyir walks free & continues to spread his message.


Boycott Indonesia.


Message 675 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

Abu Bakar Bashir is still in jail as far as I know.

"On 16 June 2011, Bashir was convicted of supporting a jihadi training camp following a four-month trial. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison.[34] He was acquitted of the charge of involvement in the 2002 Bali bombings.[35] However, after an appeal the Jakarta High Court reduced his sentence to nine years.[35] Finally, the Supreme Court has rejected the appeal of Abu Bakar Bashir and annulled the Jakarta High Court sentence then reinstated the South Jakarta District Court's original 15-year sentence."

Message 676 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

I agree with you on the double standard's we witness from this corrupt state.


The burning of native forests in Papua that went on for months, by greedy cronies from Jakarta, reached all the way to the top end and polluted for weeks,  was crime against humanity.


They are a member of the G20 why is Australia  giving aid to a G20 country?



Message 677 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

Community Member

Two warships  have been moved to patrol the Cilicap  Island. What is happening here, it's mind boggling the sabre ratting we are seeing for the impending executions of two Australians.


I feel sickened by the way Indonesia have behaved with these two men and all the military on show, trophy pics taken of them on the plane and now 2 warships?.


How were the other eight condemned treated? did they get the same treatment? if not what is Indonesia trying to convey to Australia?


Joko is strutting his "strong man" stance but he looks like all military backed leaders, weak and manipulated. History will not look kindly on this poor excuse of a human being 

Message 678 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

What does everyone think of this latest action?


Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has reportedly offered to pay for the Bali Nine's prison costs if Indonesia grants a stay of execution.


Seven West Media has obtained a letter revealing an apparent offer to cover the legal costs of life imprisonment for the Bali Nine drug smugglers.

Message 679 of 686
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Re: Boycott Bali

I think it's a good thing..... assuming it is correct.
Message 680 of 686
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