Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

What is the Govt doing, apart from training & education intitiatives to create employment for this group?


There are 257 000 unemployed youth in Australia.


Our local TAFES have had cuts and less courses available.  The unemployed youth in this area is the 2nd highest in NSW. 

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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

I want to know what plans there are for young people with no family or income. Surely there must be something?
Message 2 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

I did read somewhere they could apply for an emergency payment (a one off?), which seems to defeat the purpose of cutting them off from the dole.

They are bringing in the changes in Jan 2015, they should have all the details 'out there' for people to see by now.

Message 3 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

This has been written about in another thread... I am not going to repeat it but it is basically the same as it is now and if you are making an effort you will be fine 

Message 4 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

I wonder if they will have that up and running by 1 July 2014. Only applies to 18 selected employment areas.


Work for the Dole


The Government will provide $14.9 million over two years to expand the Work for the Dole Programme and pilot Jobs Brokers in 18 of the 21 Priority Employment Areas.


From 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, Work for the Dole will be mandatory in these locations for all job seekers aged between 18 and 30 years old who are in the Work Experience Phase or the Compulsory Activity Phase of Job Services Australia (JSA), unless they are working part‑time. Job seekers will be referred to individual Work for the Dole placements through their JSA provider.


Under this measure, Jobs Brokers will identify and secure individual Work for the Dole Placements with Host Organisations (including not‑for‑profit and local, state or Commonwealth Government agencies) and connect the Host Organisations with the JSA provider. Each Jobs Broker will have access to an operating budget of $0.3 million to service the selected areas.



Message 5 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

Community Member

It would be of benifit if people actually read the policy properly and digested and understood the actual policy....



Also please see this thread







Message 6 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

That is a direct quote from the official Budget document. 


Here is another one:


  • Because we want new jobseekers, especially those leaving school and university, to actually look for work, income support will only be provided once a six month period of job hunting has been completed.



Students graduating from TAFE or Uni, who haven't secured a job before they graduate, after 2 - 5+ years studying on a low income, can now look forward to 6mths without income, whilst job hunting.



Message 7 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

@nero_wulf wrote:

It would be of benifit if people actually read the policy properly and digested and understood the actual policy....



Also please see this thread







 please stay on topic. if people are interested they'll look for themselves. Smiley Happy

Message 8 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

Where are all this jobs going to appear from? 257 000 of them required for Australia's unemployed youth.


* Young job seekers with parental responsibilites will be exempt (see below)


** If an employer is given a wage subsidy by the Govt, to employ someone for 6 mths, that is a short term fix. Gives the person 6mths work experience but not a permanent job. As soon as the wage subsidy ends the employer, will let them go. The Govt isn't saving money on dole payments there is it? They provided a subsidy for the employer, if any employers are willing to take on these young job seekers.


  Young jobseeker reforms

The Government believes that assistance to the unemployed should help them move into employment, rather than encouraging them to remain on welfare.

In order to reach their full potential, all young Australians who can work should be earning, learning or participating in Work for the Dole.


Income support eligibility changes

From 1 January 2015, new jobseekers up to 30 years of age applying for Newstart or Youth Allowance (Other) (YA(O)) will participate in job search and employment services activities which are funded by the Government for six months before receiving the payment.


Current recipients of Newstart and YA(O) up to 30 years of age will also be covered by the same requirements from 1 July 2015.


* Young people who do not have a full capacity to work (i.e. their capacity is less than 30 hours), are in education or training, or have a significant disability will all be exempt from these requirements, as will those with parenting responsibilities.


Recognition for past employment

The waiting period will reduce depending on past employment. Part-time employment would also be recognised on a pro‑rata basis.

After six months, the jobseeker will be required to participate in at least 25 hours per week of Work for the Dole activities and will be eligible to receive income support for six months.


**Employer wage subsidy

If the job seeker is unable to secure employment after six months of Work for the Dole and Newstart or YA(O), a wage subsidy may be available to an employer for six months.


Other assistance

Rather than continue looking for work, job seekers can elect to undertake training or study which may make them eligible for student benefits.

  Under 30s:

  • Up to 6 month waiting period with job search obligations until qualifying for income support
  • Discount for previous employment
  • Strengthened activity and job search obligations
  • 25 hours per week Work for the Dole

Under 25s:

  • No longer eligible for Newstart; may qualify instead for Youth Allowance (Other)
Message 9 of 55
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Re: Budget 2014 - changes to dole for under 30's, youth unemployment, homelessness

I don't see a real problem with this policy.It's not going to come into effect until January 2015,by which time Tony will have created the better part of 1 million jobs.
Message 10 of 55
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