on โ14-05-2009 04:53 PM
on โ23-07-2012 06:59 PM
Evening Miss Kezza
Kezza hope you are chugging along and keeping your chin right up:)
Miss id be doing a disappearing act as well......and your OH is right when u have done everything correctly you have nothing to fear....... glad u have your own representative there as well
Hoping you get it sorted very very soon
Tradies in at 8 in the am one window is holding up the whole shooting box:(
on โ24-07-2012 06:32 PM
on โ24-07-2012 06:47 PM
Evening all:)
Yes the window is in and Miss lets hope u r getting somewhere with the repairs.........sounds like a huge reno when its all done.......lets hope u hear something super soon
Kezza hows things your way............hope u r being very kind to yourself:)
Water proofer in in the am:)
on โ25-07-2012 11:15 AM
on โ25-07-2012 05:21 PM
Hi everyone:)
Hoping Miss and Kezza are in fine fettle:)
Been one full on day house full of tradies place stinks after the waterproofing absolutly stinks seems to be a very long drawn out process:(
Miss bet u will be glad when all your renos are done will need a holiday to recover:)
Thinking of you Kezza hope u and C r ok:)
on โ26-07-2012 02:06 PM
on โ26-07-2012 02:30 PM
Afternoon all:) Waves to Miss Kezza etc.
Miss yes this stuff is like a black thick garbage that goes on very thickly has some sort of rubber and of course a lot of chemicals. Wondering what your waterproofing stuff is called......not that im thinking of doing any more renos this side of never lol Waiting for the toilet to be dropped off and for the guy that is coming into quote on the pavers to show up but am going to leave that outside job for a while am over dealing with men lol Of course the OH racks off to golf and leaves me to deal with them says im much more wiley with them lol
Miss how is your little niece doing?
Kezza hows things going for you gal..........thinking of you and C battling along there all fingers and toes crossed for ya and C
on โ27-07-2012 07:44 AM
Morning all just dropping in to say hi to Miss and Kezza
Kezza hoping hear something today in regards to your health keep your chin right up:)
Will be back later slipping out for a coffee and to chill ๐
on โ27-07-2012 04:09 PM
on โ27-07-2012 06:46 PM
Evening all:)
Miss thats dreadful that the little one is still being mucked around in regards to her appointment.......the family must be on edge......horrible to have to be kept waiting and waiting.
Glad the waterproofing held up........i dont think i want ever to see another tradie lol
Kezza thinking of you hope a concrete treatment plan has been decided so that you can move forward with the next phase of your life......how is C?
Early night tonight......want to see some of the opening ceremony in the am lol