Hundreds of demonstrators across Australia have broken social distancing rules to protest against vaccinations, 5G and the coronavirus pandemic.   


Protesters gathered at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne on Saturday and claimed the global COVID-19 health crisis was a 'scam'.


There are more than five-million cases of coronavirus cases across the globe and at least 350,000 people have died. Australia has recorded more than 7,000 infections and the death toll sits at 103 following the successful implementation of social distancing restrictions. 


Brazen demonstrators also carried signs declaring they were against vaccines and 5G technology.


Lol @ the anti-virus shields on the horses

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Nutters, the lot of them. Maybe they should have roped in a few farmers too, to alert us that wind turbines were lowering their cattles IQ.
Message 11 of 426
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@imastawka wrote:

But breaking the law, and not worrying about other people's rights and health!

Sure the law must be upheld and respected. I agree. There may have been a bit of a risk with more people using public transport to get to where the protests were, however I don't think that this is a real violation of other people's rights and health. I can appreciate what you say but I think in the greater picture there's justification in what they were doing.


I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I believe people should have the choice wether to be vaccinated or not. I know that with vaccination it's not a one size fits all solution and some people will die directly as a result of being vaccinated while others will suffer adverse and long-term health efffects. Sure this could be argued that the victims will be in the minortity and the ends will justify the means. But, we are supposedly in a democratic and free society.


With the 5G issue, the prtotestors are concerned with the " other people's rights and health!" you mentioned. Actually, I'm inclined to agree with their stance. As I mentioned previously, there have not been proper tests done with 5G and the effects. So-called progress shouldn't go like a charging bull over the health concerns of people.


About laws, well the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr.'s plan broke laws and it achieved something great. And whitefolk in the Southern states only had their pride hurt by integregration. (just the uneducated ones that is)

Message 12 of 426
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"Sure the law must be upheld and respected. I agree."


I agree too.

Message 13 of 426
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I wonder how many of those 5G protesters have a microwave oven in their kitchens.
Message 14 of 426
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@4channel wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

But breaking the law, and not worrying about other people's rights and health!

Sure the law must be upheld and respected. I agree. There may have been a bit of a risk with more people using public transport to get to where the protests were, however I don't think that this is a real violation of other people's rights and health. I can appreciate what you say but I think in the greater picture there's justification in what they were doing.


I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I believe people should have the choice wether to be vaccinated or not. I know that with vaccination it's not a one size fits all solution and some people will die directly as a result of being vaccinated while others will suffer adverse and long-term health efffects. Sure this could be argued that the victims will be in the minortity and the ends will justify the means. But, we are supposedly in a democratic and free society.


With the 5G issue, the prtotestors are concerned with the " other people's rights and health!" you mentioned. Actually, I'm inclined to agree with their stance. As I mentioned previously, there have not been proper tests done with 5G and the effects. So-called progress shouldn't go like a charging bull over the health concerns of people.


About laws, well the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr.'s plan broke laws and it achieved something great. And whitefolk in the Southern states only had their pride hurt by integregration. (just the uneducated ones that is)

Stop quoting American laws and rights.  It's not pertinent here.

A bit of a risk????   there were hundreds of them, breaking the law.


Enough to start a second wave of the Corona virus.


If you think they have done the right thing, then you should be glad to stand amongst them.


They're idiots who have put those that are vulnerable, at risk, and I'm one of the vulnerable ones.


Any one of them could have infected the rest of them, and so put our State backwards.


We are not in a democracy as long as this virus is around.  If you want to get rid of it, then obey the laws of the State.


As for the 5G, just don't have a phone.

Message 15 of 426
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I agree stawka.  I am trying to be responsible for myself as I am very vulnerable as well and you've got people ignoring the recommendations of the medical team to keep Australian's safe and thus chancing another bout .


Of course they are entitled to their own beliefs just like all of us but not at the risk of setting off new clusters and putting others at risk.

It's just thoughtless and disrespectful.



Message 16 of 426
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@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
I wonder how many of those 5G protesters have a microwave oven in their kitchens.

A significant amount of 5G protestors would have a microwave oven in their kitchen. However, they would be more llikely to stand at a safe distance from their microwave oven when its on as theyy'd be well aware of the dangers and possibly more likely to than someone who was against priotesting. There would also be a significant amount of 5G prrotestors who wouldn't have a microwave oven as they are concerned about nutition and food health and believe that some of the goodness in food is killed when it is microwaved.

Message 17 of 426
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@4channel wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
I wonder how many of those 5G protesters have a microwave oven in their kitchens.

A significant amount of 5G protestors would have a microwave oven in their kitchen. However, they would be more llikely to stand at a safe distance from their microwave oven when its on as theyy'd be well aware of the dangers and possibly more likely to than someone who was against priotesting. There would also be a significant amount of 5G prrotestors who wouldn't have a microwave oven as they are concerned about nutition and food health and believe that some of the goodness in food is killed when it is microwaved.

AC wiring in walls is worse than microwave oven emissions according to my test meter - i have since relocated my bed away from the walls....

Message 18 of 426
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@4channel wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
I wonder how many of those 5G protesters have a microwave oven in their kitchens.

A significant amount of 5G protestors would have a microwave oven in their kitchen. However, they would be more llikely to stand at a safe distance from their microwave oven when its on as theyy'd be well aware of the dangers and possibly more likely to than someone who was against priotesting. There would also be a significant amount of 5G prrotestors who wouldn't have a microwave oven as they are concerned about nutition and food health and believe that some of the goodness in food is killed when it is microwaved.

So are you suggesting that people who are against protesting are less aware of the dangers of microwaves? That is ludicrous. And I don't think people here are against protesting. They are against people breaking the law when protesting and endangering the safety and wellbeing of others. My how we generalise.

Message 19 of 426
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@4channel wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
I wonder how many of those 5G protesters have a microwave oven in their kitchens.

A significant amount of 5G protestors would have a microwave oven in their kitchen. However, they would be more llikely to stand at a safe distance from their microwave oven when its on as theyy'd be well aware of the dangers and possibly more likely to than someone who was against priotesting. There would also be a significant amount of 5G prrotestors who wouldn't have a microwave oven as they are concerned about nutition and food health and believe that some of the goodness in food is killed when it is microwaved.

Actually, there have been tests done for the past 30+ years, and all indicate that microwave does not reduce nutrition of food.  When tested boiling, steaming and microwaving veggies; the boiled lost most, steamed were much better, and microwaved the best.  That was done in labs and the veg were cooked to the same standard.  The microwave cooks fast, and the nutrients are not leached into the water, as with the other methods.

Message 20 of 426
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