on 24-01-2011 10:15 PM
on 26-10-2012 01:30 PM
Another quick fly through .... I had "mow naturestrip" on my list of Things To Do for weeks. I rang a mowing guy whose leaflet I found in the letterbox. He came straight over and mowed it just now. Yay, that's something I can cross off my list. It's not as neat as I would have expected it to be 😐 but hey he's only charged me $20. It's worth 20 bucks to cross it off my list.
Kylie, big hugs, Miss Jacks oh he is so in to you. Introducing you to his bestie is a very good sign!
Hugs for all!
Where is Mrs Braff?
on 26-10-2012 08:24 PM
I'm here MsCat. First time in about a week.
I'm off to Tamworth in the morning to attend a surprise big 0 party for a friend. It is here birthday today and she is out tonight having a good time, little does she know she will be going out again tomorrow night. teee heeee.:^O Will be spending a g ood part of the day on the train, arrive 1 1/2 hours before the dinner, go to the dinner/show/party, back to the Motel and then to the station on Sunday morning to catch the train back home again. I'll have bum sores by the end.
MsCat, definitely $20 well spent. How is MissKitty and MasterK?
Yay for something being crossed off the list. Whoopwhoop.
Kylie, what a gorgeous photo of Samantha. Such a charmer,
I hope Mr Kylie has a pleasant enough birthday without getting 'the' birthday pressie. 😉 I can't remember what date your post was, so the birthday might have been and gone already.
Sounding promising MsJacks. :-x Enjoy it all, and I hope his bestie is nice. I know my bestie is.
Freddie and Mr Freddie. Good news the flu seems to be easing up. I hope you get your news soon. Healing vibes to MrFreddie.
Hi there Elephant lady *waves* I hope your writing is going well.
YCDI, thinking of you and hoping all is well with your studio and retail world.
Cuddly, :-x:-x:-x:-x
Hello to everyone that comes in whether you post or not.
Higs and hugs to all.
on 27-10-2012 01:11 PM
It's about time you dropped in Mrs Braff! 😄 :-x
Enjoy tonight's Big O party in Tamworth. Your friend is a lucky girl to have a surprise party! I hope it's lots of fun.
Miss Kitty is well, working hard. She's the Events manager of the managers of a huge well known venue in Melbourne. Poor little kitty was transporting $1000's of dollars worth of the venue crockery in a trolley and slipped on a crack on the footpath and the trolley fell over. She was so upset, cos all the crockery smashed but her boss was only concerned about her welfare. Phew! :^O
Master K has just brought home a huge intact salmon worth $80 😮 He is filleting it in the kitchen and using my eyebrow tweezers to pull out the bones. I didn't think he knew how to fillet a fish but he does! He's actually a very good cook.
And as for me?
I'm going off to work. As usual. 😐
Hugs to Cuddly, Jacks (are you seeing Mr Potter tonight? 😉 ), Kylie, YCDI, She-Ele, Mrs Freddie and all whom I've forgotten.
Have a fabulous day :-x
on 28-10-2012 12:02 PM
Hi fabulous people!
I've been thinking of emailing Mr Ex, just wondering how he is. I started one then deleted it before sending. I thought I'd run it by the OK'ers first :^O
It will be 2 years this Christmas. I don't know why I have this feeling to contact him. Maybe 10 years with someone is a long time to be with someone and not have some kind of news about how they are faring.
Anyway ... hugs to those that need them and sending good thoughts to Mrs Freddie and Kylie :-x
on 28-10-2012 03:55 PM
Cat X-( No, No, No and NO!!!!!!!
You do NOT email him ever again.
He left you, broke your heart, destroyed your self esteem, and you deserve sooooo much more than that.
You worked so hard to get him out of your life, your mind and your heart and you will undo all that good work if your contact him again.
You have moved on, you have a new life now that doesn't involve him and remember we never go back.
((Hugs)) much love and positive energy :-x
on 28-10-2012 07:30 PM
I've been thinking of emailing Mr Ex, just wondering how he is. I started one then deleted it before sending. I thought I'd run it by the OK'ers first
Is the message getting through?:-x
on 28-10-2012 08:42 PM
Hi to all you lovely people,
Sorry once again for not coming here for ages - have had "stuff" happening with health and also a family member on my OH's side who is dying. I'm OK. Just waiting for "the phone-call" about family member. Very sad as we love him to bits. Another one with the big C. Sadly one of their 4 sons has just separated from his wife in the past couple of weeks - lovely guy. He has the 3 young children.
Have read through to where I left off I think.
Firstly Cat, NO, NO, NO - a million, zillion times NO!!!!! Do not go there, do not re-open a can of worms you have escaped from.
You have worked through so much!!!!! Yes, Christmas is on it's way - don't spoil it for yourself. Have fun with your kids, a friend whoever, but get his email address out of your mind - off your computer, whatever you need to do to forget it. Do you think he may be concerned about how you are faring - bet he's not.
Freddie, been thinking of you and hoping things are progressing OK. Will be praying for Mr Freddie.
Jack - good to see you have found a friend - take it slowly won't you - have been through enough this year and you're still grieving for your Mum. Hope Mr B has been a bit quiet - what a so-and-so he is.
Hi Elephant - good to see you still here also and hope you are making your fortune with your writing. One day you might be rich and famous and can take us all on a big holiday - I sure feel like one right now.
Kylie, my heart goes out to you. Your OH sounds a bit like my daughter's ex - very manipulative. He was a drinker also, and on top of that a crook who was a very good liar. At first he was over the moon to be married to such a wonderful young woman (which he was) Blah Blah Blah - then she was the worst person on earth. He actually dumped her and left her with a pile of debts which she is still paying off. He had worn her down so much, she didn;t have the energy to fight her case - he got off scot free. The fortunate thing was there was no children involved. She is now re-married - sadly to a similar person in many ways except he doesn't drink and is not a crook. Makes us very sad, but it is her choice. She is the bread winner of the family and a very hard diligent worker. He doesn't do a thing - on part disability pension but can sit at the computer all day and buy every little or big gadget etc etc etc!!!!
Guess if you have had marriage counselling you would have learnt about the domestic violence cycle, as that is what you are in. Google it if you don't know about it as your OH fits it perfectly. I'd be getting him out of the house as quickly as I could - JMHO!!!!
Braff - see you are still travelling around the countryside. Pity your spy duties are finished - thought I might here some good gossip LOL!!!
Good to see you are still her Icandoit. Hope all is well with you.
Best be off - have to do some listings - need the money!!!!
If I have forgotten anybody - sorry. Big hugs to everybody.
PS: MESSAGE TO CAT - NO!!!! - Pretty Please!!!!!
on 28-10-2012 08:44 PM
OOPS Was going to reply with quote and changed my mind - obviously didn't delete properly 😮
on 28-10-2012 08:47 PM
Now Ms Mioux ...
*sits down and takes her hand*
I know you are wonderful, sweet and very caring person, and you want to let that part of you find out how he is going, but don't let that ( or even simple curiosity) get the better of you, PLEASE!
Do NOT email, call, text, or contact in any way.
You will only be stirring up an ants nest, and get bitten - as my dear Mum used to say!
on 28-10-2012 09:25 PM
Great advice everyine - I'm sure Ms Cat really knew what we were all going to tell her when she posted - just needed to hear it from us.
I just got back from the big smoke last night - I went to a YA literature conference in Freo and it was AWESOME. I got to catch up with lots of lovely writer friends (including Shaun Tan - skite skite) and had the honour of introducing a talk by Jackie French on the importance of historical fiction.