Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

Higs and Hugs.


:-x Kylie

Message 9691 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Stay strong Kylie.



Message 9692 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi all, I don't usually post here buI occasionally pop in to catch up.  

Just thought I would tel you Ms Mioux, we are in Hoi An, Vietnam, right now at the time of the Buddha's birthday so were fortunate enough to see part of the celebrations last night. A big boat, all colourfully lit and with a dragon prow, came floating down the river with several chanting monks on board, followed by thousands of floating candle lanterns that people had put into the river for luck. It was quite magical


Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
Message 9693 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

luker it must have been magical to watch! Have a wonderful time in Vietnam. :-x


Higs and hugs and strength to everyone having a challenging time lately. This too shall pass :-x

Message 9694 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Higs and Hugs :-x

Message 9695 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hey everyone, still here plodding along.


Hope everyone is doing ok

Message 9696 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hello everyone  0/  


Higs and hugs to all.


I hope everyone is well and having a nice weekend.


Wow Ms Jacks.  Congratulations to Master Jack Crazy on buying his own home.  He is so young. Isn't he only 18?  Fantastic effort by him.


I was sorry to read about Mr Potter but at least you had a pretty good time while it lasted and you know now that it will happen again. 


Kylie, I'm sorry that things are not going quite right again for you.  It's good though that your family, especially Miss Samantha give you so much comfort and joy.


Lurker, that sounds wonderful and how lucky were you to be able to witness the celebrations of Buddha's birthday in Vietnam.  Enjoy the rest of your trip.


Hi happy, I hope things are going OK for you.


Hello to everyone else and youcan UHM.

Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 9697 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hey everyone, still here plodding along.


Hope everyone is doing ok


How is your foot?

Message 9698 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home


How is your foot?


about 12 inches

Message 9699 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home


How is your foot?


much better, I've got orthotics and have to do strengthening exercises

Message 9700 of 10,121
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