Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

Bumping ๐Ÿ™‚



All is well here. Thai's dental work is healing quite well, took him for another post op check yesterday. He's supposed to be on a diet. I got told off for feeding him too much! I've been taking his food away after an hour so he can't graze. Had him weighed at the vets. He's put on 200g.




I fink he's just big boned. :8}


Beau was shaved yesterday at the Vet (gawd he must chuckle when he see's me coming) and is leaping around like a newly shorn spring lamb.

Message 9711 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Glad Thai is doing well :-x


My Bubba had follow up blood tests today, vet will phone tomorrow.


She is eating better than she was, but has not put any weight on.


She peed on my and the floor, then she pooped on the exam table :^O :^O :^O

Message 9712 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Glad Thai is doing well :-x


My Bubba had follow up blood tests today, vet will phone tomorrow.


She is eating better than she was, but has not put any weight on.


She peed on my and the floor, then she pooped on the exam table :^O :^O :^O


Well, she was just expressing her lurve for the Vet :^O


PS Hope she feels better soon.

Message 9713 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

PS Did I mention I've gone from an A1C of 6.5 (pre diabetes) to 4.7 in 5 weeks? I'm impressed with myself! And I've lost 8 kgs. ๐Ÿ˜„ 


I'm not counting calories, just eating very low carb and no sugar.

Message 9714 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Looks like she might have hyperthyroidism, will re-do bloods in 2 months unless we feel she needs them sooner. The thingys that tell are higher than 2/3 weeks ago, but still within the normal ranch, but they are 23 points or whatever they are called, higher.


Well done with your health issues, Cat. :-x


Higs and Hugs to all

Message 9715 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

What is are the meds/treatment for that condition in a puddy tat Cuddly?

Message 9716 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Haven't discussed it with vet yet, Cat, but tablet or paste was mentioned. Vet said to wait 2 months and re-do bloods, but we are going to start treating it now.


Himself is googling and although we changed their diet last year, which is the right diet, there are a couple of things I have been giving them which will be cut out.


They get rump steak, raw, and a little fancy feast and Advance wet food.


Going to cut out the fancy feast, and only give the chicken Advance, and add raw chicken. 


Part of the cause can be fish in tinned food, stuffs can leach from the tin into the food also. (don't you love how technical I am? :^O) Think it is ok to give the non fish tinned food but if there is something in the can itself, then they will have to learn to live without it.


Going to change the tap water to filtered water, and they need sea salt too.


This is a disease common to the older cat and cats fed commercial tinned and dry foods. We cut out the dry food last year. You may remember Lucy was ill, and she has been very well since we changed to this diet. 


I only added the tinned because I knew Mahogany likes it, but if it is not good for her then she will no longer get it.


Will have a chat with our Homeopath on Monday, too. 

Message 9717 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Cuddly it seems diet plays a big part in this condition, the cause and the cure. I hope your darling starts to improve soon :-x

Message 9718 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Thank you Cat.


It really does seem to play a big part, in fact a lot of illnesses can be attributed to the diets, which we found last year when Lucy kept getting ill, changing her diet has definitely helped her, and quite possibly to a small extent has helped Mahogany with her now problems, which could perhaps be so much worse.


Today I bought chicken thigh and breast for the girls, they do get it occasionaly, but will give it every day along with the rump, and cut way down on the Advance and cut out the Fancy Feast.


Hope they love me, not hate me :O:O :^O:^O

Message 9719 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Oh dear cuddly, hope your fur-kid/s recover quickly ๐Ÿ˜ž

and also good to hear that Thai is recovered and pigging out ! HHeHehe

Was it happy that also had a sick pooch? 

Smooches to them all! XXX

Message 9720 of 10,121
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