on โ24-01-2011 10:15 PM
on โ17-05-2013 09:33 PM
I left my dog at home for an hour, and when I got back I found she had consumed 15 Tim Tams and a 1/4 of a block of chocolate
on โ17-05-2013 09:34 PM
She climbed the walls for half an hour and is now sleeping.
I've told her choc is bad for dogs but she doesn't care
on โ18-05-2013 01:14 AM
I left my dog at home for an hour, and when I got back I found she had consumed 15 Tim Tams and a 1/4 of a block of chocolate
๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
I hope doggie feels better soon!
And Pimpy. Naughty Pimpy wanting Buddha's acorn hat :^O I hope your little budgie is feeling better.
To the hoomans in this thread ... sending healing vibes your way, Freddie and Happy. Hang in there because this too shall pass and there will be a solution to be found or some ease. :-x
Thai, my kitty, has lost one of his sutures so he's back on raw food. *sigh* Back we go for another post op check next week.
My daughter is buying tickets for us to see Fleetwood Mac. Whoohoooo!
Cyn I'm happy you had a fab time in Sydney with your kids.
Higs and hugs to the lovely Mrs Braff o/ and She-Ele the pinkest elephant. :-x
on โ18-05-2013 02:10 PM
Hello brilliant OKers.
Sorry to hear that not all you lovely people are having the best time ATM.
Nice to hear about your trip to Sydney Cynth. Its sounds like you had a brilliant time.
Mr. Potter and I are no longer together. His decision. Not sure why. He won't talk about it. Hmmm.
Crazy James purchased his first home yesterday so excited to pick up the keys and tell me all about it. I'm so proud of him. He had a work accident last week which broken his foot in 6 places and needs surgery when the swelling goes down. I swear I'm goning to buy him a truck load of bubble wrap and send him out in it.
I haven't been posting for a while. Feeling a bit devastated by the loss of my relationship and my dog and well, it kinda impacts on top of each other sometimes. I have been dropping in to lurk occasionally.
Kylie...keep strong and keep your head up. โฅ
on โ18-05-2013 03:02 PM
just popped in to send big higs and hugs to all:-x
I see you there jack!!so nice to see you, but Im sorry about mr P- Im sure that 'Hmmm' covers a lot of words...?:| and I thought he was a stayer..you were brave and took a risk..I guess it lasted as long as it could?..sorry, making a hash job of this, but Im thinking of you, keep your chin up and come in and vent if needed, we all care..
boy,that crazy james keeps you on your toes!(and off his:-D)well done to him!how proud you must be:-x
ms Cat:-xhope you are keeping warm!it was great to read what you been eating-you sound like you are focusing strongly on your health-good on you!I LOVE homemade tzatziki with lots of garlic and cumin seeds.Yummo.I really like adding seeds and fresh herbs to simple ingredients..Are you managing to do some chanting as well?
great to read the trip to Sydneytown went so well Cyn,it sounded like a blast!
Kylie, hang in there, one step forward and then another-youve come SO far, sending you hugs
happy-hows your dog?15 timtams and 1/4 bar of choc- thats a LOT of choc:O
big shout out to freddie:-xand mr f- hope you are pain free- take care of one another
waves to greencat, cuddly. she-ele, pimpy(I want an acorn hat too!)bella and your 2 yr old handfull, dearmama, rosie, maine, toon and the western one still mia..(sob)
big warm higs and hugs to those who need them,braf uhm,keep warm and well
you can do it you can do it you can do it
on โ18-05-2013 03:40 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your break up jack. It was nice to hear of your happiness. You're quite right and wise when you say these things tend to impact on top of other things. I often find myself saying that to patients at work. It's one thing after another and just when you wonder how much more you can take something else happens to test you.
Don't let this bring your happiness down. Remember this to will pass. Who knows what life has in store for us. If you'd told me at the start of the year my kids would do what they've just done for me and I'd be achieving my goal of climbing the bridge I'd have not believed it, but surprise, surprise it's happened. Somedays it's easy to get into the woe is me rut, and somedays I do believe it's beneficial for us to wallow in those feelings and let them take over just so we can rid ourselves of them and move on to better and happier things.
I wish you the abilty to wallow just as long as you need to in order for your heart to heal and the strength to move on to the bigger and better things that await you. Love and hugs jack. X
on โ18-05-2013 03:40 PM
PS: I hope the chocky munching doggy is ok.
on โ18-05-2013 03:54 PM
Thank you so much Cynth and youcan. Staying as strong as possible.
I hope the doggy is doing OK too after so much choc. My missy dog would often 'find' my choc. She loved it but it never did agree with her
on โ18-05-2013 07:03 PM
Gosh I hope the doggy is OK.
Congrats to your boy Jack. How exciting for him.
Ugh I cut someone out of my life three years ago, have avoided contact with them for a year, specifically emailed them and told them they're not welcome on my property. All of a sudden they're trying to call me the past few days?? ugh take a hint and take a hike.
on โ18-05-2013 07:44 PM
dog is fine, just sharing very stinky farts with me:|