Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

My little Harry has been sharing his odours with us too this week, He rarely fluffs so it's highly unusual.......and pleasant. Funny how a tiny 3kg bum can clear a room. Some have been really loud too and he gives himself such a shock that he jumps and immediately looks at his rear end to see what the hell is going on.

Message 9681 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Unpleasant..............not pleasant.:O

Message 9682 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member

Hi Everyone - guess not many will remember me as I haven't posted here for a long time but lurk now and again to keep up.


Sorry to hear about your break-up Jack but guess Mr P wasn't the right one and yes, it will pass.  You have had so much on your plate the past year - it may be good for you to take a bit of time out and wallow in your grief somewhat.  I believe we need to take time to grieve, especially when we have had things happen one after the other.


I relate it to like a stack of dominoes, stacked up in a line - one gets hit and it's not long before they all get knocked down.  We can learn much by putting pieces back together again - may not be the same way they were stacked before, but there will come a time when we are happy with the way we have gone through whatever has made us sad and feel lousy and begin to enjoy where we are at.  Hope that makes some sense - it's late!!!!


Get well wishes to all those who are ill or feeling down - this time of the year seems to send me on a bit of a downer with the shorter days and cooler nights, but only a few more months to Spring once again!!!!


Kylie, what a time you have had - hope things are improving for you - you have done a wonderful job of keeping it together for most of the time.  Your baby sure has grown into the cutest little princess!!!!  You can hold your head up high, as can all those who post one here.


Ms Cat - you have come so far from when you first started this thread and I see there have been lots of views.  It is also one of the very few threads where people are not attacking each other and acting like a bunch of schoolkids - so congratulations to all of you for supporting each other, instead of pulling each other down.


Well must close and get to bed - just wanted to let you all know I'm still around, just don't post much these days.


Love and all the very best to you all!!!


Message 9683 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi everyone! Of course we remember you mindtobusy. I love hearing from you! :-x


Jacks I'm sorry the relationship with Mr P has ended. But you have been given such wonderful advice here, as usual, so many wise women here. If you look back at how it was at the beginning you may find 'warning' signs or 'red flags' that can give you lots of information about why the relationship went the way it did. And then we learn from them, learn to recognise them for next time.


As an example ... when I met Mr Ex he was unemployed and on sickness benefits due to stress. First warning sign. His sister had to tell him how to look after me when I came down with the flu. Second sign. Once when I was at his house for the weekend and his brother came over .. Mr Ex actually whistled at me as if I was a dog to get my attention in front of his brother. He thought it was funny. Big red flag. And so on.  Of course the 10 years we were together weren't all bad. Some of it was very very good. But these signs pretty much set the tone - lack of respect, not caring about my needs, his allergy to work (manifested in numerous work cover claims) .....


When I took a fancy to a guy at work I observed him at a distance. Remember Mr PeePee? Nice guy but oh so childish. That cured me of my attraction :^O


Anyway ... if you look at these 'red flags' you may even bless your lucky stars you are no longer with him and have made room for someone much better to come into your life.  :-x


Congrats to Mr James for buying a home! Not even going to mention his latest injuries. Oops I just did. ๐Ÿ˜



I've got asthma *sigh*. But I'm getting the right treatment so I should feel better soon. It's been a difficult few days. But I'm lost almost 7 kg on my 'diabetic diet'. Whoohooo!


YCDI - I've been a slacker with chanting. ๐Ÿ˜ž   I will get back once I feel better.  I hope you are well :-x

Message 9684 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi all I have been lurking again.


Jack sorry to hear about you and mr P


YCDI I always love the advice you give, keep on giving


Ms Mioux sorry to hear Thai is going back to the vet and well done on the loss of the 7 kilos


Freddie your posts have helped me out in a very difficult situation, I am devastated at the moment as I have found out my very dear friend who is only 40 has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer 5 weeks ago we went to her 40th birthday party and my OH even mentioned that he had never seen her so happy a couple off weeks ago she dropped the bomb shell.


She is having 6 weeks of radio therapy and chemo and them will have her op to remove the tumour Your post has given me an understanding of what she is going through. Like you she is being strong and positive about her situation, sadly she does not have anyone to sound off apart from her friends as she has no partner or family in Australia


At least when I had cancer I could talk to my OH 24/7 about my worries or just to vent. I have told my friend that if she is feeling down or just wants to vent we don't care what time of day or night it is she must call, but I know she won't.


Kylie stay strong you are going to have your ups and downs but remember you have a wonderful family that are supporting you. Your ex will eventually realise he has no part in your life that you are only the go between for him and Sam.


To the rest of the lovely Ok's or what ever colour higs and hugs to you and I hope you have a wonderfull week. It has been so beautiful in Sydney this week, the mornings have been a bit chilly but the days have been sunny and warm and it just makes you want to smile.



Message 9685 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hello everyone โ™ฅ


Jacks, sorry to hear your relationship is no longer, keep smiling things will get better:-x


Maine, so sorry to hear your sad news, I have another Brother who will start 6 weeks radiation next week, he had his bladder removed 7yrs ago, now he has the same type of cancer on the top of his head, and in the lymph glands in his neck, I just feel he's in for the battle.


Wishing your dear friend all the best, it's going to be a tough time for her, I thank God I didn't need chemo, chemo is so much harder on the body.


I'm further up the Coast from you Maine, and the weather has been beautiful here, nights are cool but the day's are just glorious, still in T shirts.

Message 9686 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Higs and Hugs. 

Message 9687 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

cat, you are doing exceptionally well with your diet. Your sugar levels will be loving you for it too and you'll notice a big improvement in all areas with great progress like that.

If you are consistent with your meds you will also control the asthma instead of it controlling you.

Message 9688 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hugs to those battling cancer :-x :-x :-x




Thanks Cyn. I'm sticking to low carbs/no sugar. The weight loss seems to be leveling out but it could be because I'm on cortisone for the asthma. Oh and a tooth fell out. The one that had the gum abscess and no amount of anti-biotics could fix nor numerous dental visits. Luckily you can't see the gap when I talk or smile. Dentist said it was the abscess that dissolved the bone and the diabetes that caused the abscess in the first place.


So Thai and me both had dental treatment. Except mine was a lot cheaper. Go figure :^O


I'm thinner and missing a tooth. ๐Ÿ˜


Higs and hugs to all :-x

Message 9689 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hello lovely Okers โ™ฅ


Lots that I want to comment on...

Cyns awesome weekend... yay!

Illnesses ... ๐Ÿ˜ž Booo...

Recovering kittehs... โ™ฅ

Young adults buying first homes - WOWEE!!!

Relationship break ups... so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž



I am so grateful to read words of encouragement/ support and right now Im feeling slack that I havent been able to reciprocate but I am laying low for now and trying to get through a little rough period.... I have my wonderful family and my work keeps me busy, but if I dont post often dont think it is because Im AWOL, trying to stay strong! โ™ฅ


โ™ฅ Cyber hugs & wishes to all โ™ฅ

Message 9690 of 10,121
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