Chemtrails are real


Weather Engineering's's happening..........just look out your your eyes and look up.



Seriously, if you notice unusual 'cloud formations' or unexplained/unusual skies.............'chemtrail activity' in your area then this thread is here to report what you see, describe what unusual weather patterns you are experiencing...

Debate and discuss.


Message 1 of 323
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322 REPLIES 322

Re: Chemtrails are real

i think you will find they do contail chemicals


2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom mixed many times over. 


Smiley LOL

Message 231 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real


Answer the questions OP.


Ready...... set ....... go.....................



"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 232 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

Geez Ibis----stay off the curry............................Richo.

Message 233 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

P007: "We (four people) noticed a large transporter plane chemtrailing above our heads in broad daylight and filmed this event."
Why do the evil chem pilots do it in broad daylight?, well at least 4  evil chemtrail spotters have noticed, so show us the film P007.

P007, you have stated earlier that "I am not a scientist nor an aviator. I am simply a witness to activities that are NOT being acknowledged in the everyday mainstream news"
I agree from your comments that you are neither a scientist nor an aviator, or (in my opinion) know very little about either, so why write about a topic which would involve a little knowledge of both,  as opposed to copying other nutters scientific ignorance

Perhaps the media are not interested in discussing  some nutters conspiracy theories (chemming in broad daylight???)  without any definitive proof.

The large expensive and very very many jet aircraft have to lurk on the ground somewhere, and nobody can keep a secret  in this day and age!

You "see" the evil planes up there P007 show us an evil one grounded.

However P007 in a debate when referencing material one should have a grasp of the content, rather than just doing a copy and paste of reams of material from like people also sans scientific expertise. Thus  I was somewhat surprised (initially) to read your reference to a scientific paper : "Numerical Investigation of Effect of Nano-Aluminum Addition on NOx and CO Pollutants Emission in Liquid Fuels Combustion" 

I guess though that you did not appreciate the study objective,  which basically was to determine the effect of adding Al nanoparticles to liquid fuel namely ethanol and N decane fuels such as light diesel, thus reducing the combustion pollutants CO and NOx, which I would have thought you might applaud.

the addition of  aluminum nanoparticles to engine combustible fuels and resulting aluminum oxide concentrations  would be a better topic  (for you) and could result in a whole new topic for the evil chem spotters (and you), this time at feet level for you to photograph, and also in broad daylight.


      Evil car chemtrailing

car exhaust.jpg


Also in broad daylight!


But so much cheaper than a large multi engined let,  and then all the evil oil companies, or whoever does the evil planning,  have to do is slip the evil chem in our petrol and hope no one notices, apart from some sharp eyed chem spotters with cricks in their neck from gazing skyward.




Loved the title and page headings of your reference P007:

International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2014



Message 234 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

ref monmans last tirade:....."... so why write about a topic..."??? biro's or pencils in use my end

Message 235 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

ref cigs :

Answer the questions OP.


Ready...... set ....... go.....................


study this, it might help you:



and this:

Message 236 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

ref mopes:

@paintsew007 wrote:

where are you hoping to get to mopes?

the link to the video showing an aircraft creating chemtrails..



I have given heaps of video links meeps to lots of aircraft spewing out chemtrails but you 'experts' are stating that these aircraft are producing contrails and that this is okay.


I really need one of you/all of you - siggs, monman, meeps, sheheffalump, lakeland, all or one of you to show me what YOU believe a chemtrail looks like so that we become educated and learn the identification process to know/see the differences.

Just pics will be fine and leave out the science.....I'm too dumb and stupid to understand all that stuff.

Message 237 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

I really need one of you/all of you - siggs, monman, meeps, sheheffalump, lakeland, all or one of you to show me what YOU believe a chemtrail looks like so that we become educated and learn the identification process to know/see the differences.


Speaking for myself, I don't believe chemtrails exist - not as the  massive global conspiracy you believe in anyway.

JMK says she has been told farmers and mining companies sometimes dump chemicals from planes, and has actually seen this happening. She may well be right, but I doubt very much whether it happens on a regular, large scale basis, and I also doubt whether  the trail these planes leave looks any different to an ordinary contrail

Message 238 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

these are just a sprinkling of what is avail on i/net ref. chemtrail sightings from around our globe:



Chemtrails in NSW


Chemtrails in Qld


Chemtrails in SA


Chemtrails in Victoria


Chemtrails Melbourne and Tassie


Chemtrails Northern Territory


Chemtrails Perth WA



                           with 'fallout' similar to Ireland and UK Staffordshire (below)


Chemtrails Canberra


Chemtrails Esperance WA


Chemtrails Broome WA


Chemtrails in Italy


Chemtrails and dust fallout in Staffordshire UK


Chemtrails in Greece


Chemtrails In Virginia USA               

"...They were't like the usual chemtrails i'm used to. They were very reflective, and had strange colors. In this video i documented Chemtrails, weather manipulation, sun halos, iridescent artificial clouds, anomalies, etc..."


Chemtrails in Denmark


Chemtrails in Ireland 

"Jun  8, 2013




Chemtrails in Canada

"...heres the thing when I was a kid about 40 years ago,lol. planes didn't leave a trail like that .now theres  as for the exhaust ,its like -40 to -60 even if the exhaust was 3000 degrease it would cool fast at best the trail would only be a few hundred feet behind  the plane ,like when I was a kid. plus it wouldn't drop from the sky like that ,..."




............................I have not 'decided' that these are chemtrails....I see what I see.




Message 239 of 323
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Re: Chemtrails are real

ref she heffalump:

I really need one of you/all of you - siggs, monman, meeps, sheheffalump, lakeland, all or one of you to show me what YOU believe a chemtrail looks like so that we become educated and learn the identification process to know/see the differences.


Speaking for myself, I don't believe chemtrails exist - not as the  massive global conspiracy you believe in anyway.

JMK says she has been told farmers and mining companies sometimes dump chemicals from planes, and has actually seen this happening. She may well be right, but I doubt very much whether it happens on a regular, large scale basis, and I also doubt whether  the trail these planes leave looks any different to an ordinary contrail

..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... are disputing footage of posted i/net filmed events, thousands of events?....because of your beliefs?!! *wow



Message 240 of 323
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