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Christian Radio


Does this mean all Christians believe this or only some extremists?


Christian Radio Host Hopes Ebola Will 'Solve America's Problems Of Atheism And Homosexuality'


NEW YORK -- There’s nothing like the harrowing death of 900 fellow human beings to bring out the caring side of Christian radio.


Whereas most Americans are saddened by the tragic deaths in Africa and many are worried about the spread of the virus to Western shores, one caring member of the flock is rolling out a red carpet for the "plague", hoping it will "solve America’s problems" with atheism and homosexuality.


The follower in question is Rick Wiles, a chap who believes in the End Of Days, a bronze-age yard that predicts the earth will be visited be a great tribulation before the Second coming of Christ (not the Schwarzenegger film).


Speaking on his radio show on Tuesday, Wiles said, "Now this Ebola epidemic can become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague. It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming… Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion."


"If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God. If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper."

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Christian Radio

Does this mean all Christians believe this or only some extremists?


Surely thats not a serious question.

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Message 2 of 29
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Christian Radio

Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion."


If the disease eliminated all of these people, there won't be many left.


A lot of Christians will have departed also.  Some of them are so involved in most of those sins, they will be first to succumb, I reckon.


Message 3 of 29
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Christian Radio

well why not? I was just down the beach and there was a group of some Christians handing out end of days leaflets in the park across the road. If its fine for some to paint all Muslims with the same brush then surely it must be fine for other religions to be judged by their extremists?

Message 4 of 29
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Christian Radio

it's pretty silly really isn't it? I know each to their own but I'm not a fan of any extremist religion. Just recently Hillsong have been in the news here (not in a good way)


not that I'm saying they are extreme, I don't know much about them

Message 5 of 29
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Christian Radio

Yes I saw the hillsong stuff and have just watched the new The Devils Playground but I wouldn't start saying that all of the followers of either religion are involved in criminal activity, interestingly both churches followed their own rules with total disregard for Australian law, one with the govts of the day turning a blind eye for over 20 years.

Message 6 of 29
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Christian Radio

serious question,


What rules do Australian members of Hillsong follow that disregard Australian Law?


Which church is depicted in The Devil's Playground? And what Australian Laws are they disregarding to follow their own rules?

Message 7 of 29
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Christian Radio

@boris1gary wrote:

well why not? I was just down the beach and there was a group of some Christians handing out end of days leaflets in the park across the road. If its fine for some to paint all Muslims with the same brush then surely it must be fine for other religions to be judged by their extremists?

Incorrect. I believe Muslims only have one Koran (Holy Book). Each denomination of Christians have their own version of the Bible.

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Christian Radio

atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion


I highlighted hs red because I personally dont believe it should be in with that group.


But the other four there, I believe are worthy of very serious scrutinization (on a personal level of course) we have the freedom to choose how we want to explore those elements of life.  It's up to you how you will explore them but I think the Bible does warn the people of the consequences of obsessing over those things (not that I'm condoning Rick Wiles' approach to this topic) but it is something to consider from a religious perspective.  Because even if athiests believe they dont subscribe to any particular religion or believe in a God per say)  they are still just as much involved in the debate because it's the rejection of the very concept of religion that drives them to be athiest.  You couldn't be an athiest if you knew absolutely nothing about religion.  It's often the ones that have studied the a$$ out of religion, so much so, it's turned them athiest becasue they just cant get anthing solid they can see, touch, hear or feel that is proof of God.

Message 9 of 29
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Christian Radio

ufoinvestigations wrote: Incorrect. I believe Muslims only have one Koran (Holy Book). Each denomination of Christians have their own version of the Bible.




So does this mean that Christians just make it up as they go along, rewriting and rewriting the bible to suit?

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