Christian Radio


Does this mean all Christians believe this or only some extremists?


Christian Radio Host Hopes Ebola Will 'Solve America's Problems Of Atheism And Homosexuality'


NEW YORK -- There’s nothing like the harrowing death of 900 fellow human beings to bring out the caring side of Christian radio.


Whereas most Americans are saddened by the tragic deaths in Africa and many are worried about the spread of the virus to Western shores, one caring member of the flock is rolling out a red carpet for the "plague", hoping it will "solve America’s problems" with atheism and homosexuality.


The follower in question is Rick Wiles, a chap who believes in the End Of Days, a bronze-age yard that predicts the earth will be visited be a great tribulation before the Second coming of Christ (not the Schwarzenegger film).


Speaking on his radio show on Tuesday, Wiles said, "Now this Ebola epidemic can become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague. It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming… Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion."


"If Ebola becomes a global plague, you better make sure the blood of Jesus is upon you, you better make sure you have been marked by the angels so that you are protected by God. If not, you may be a candidate to meet the Grim Reaper."

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Christian Radio

@boris1gary wrote:

ufoinvestigations wrote: Incorrect. I believe Muslims only have one Koran (Holy Book). Each denomination of Christians have their own version of the Bible.




So does this mean that Christians just make it up as they go along, rewriting and rewriting the bible to suit?

Each one is a totally different religion nothing to do with me I follow my religion. Christians don't kill each other for not converting to another denomination of Christian like the religion of peace does. The Shia and Sunni hate each other and I don't understand why they follow the same Koran (Holy Book).

Message 11 of 29
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Christian Radio

@ufo_investigations wrote:

@boris1gary wrote:

ufoinvestigations wrote: Incorrect. I believe Muslims only have one Koran (Holy Book). Each denomination of Christians have their own version of the Bible.




So does this mean that Christians just make it up as they go along, rewriting and rewriting the bible to suit?

Each one is a totally different religion nothing to do with me I follow my religion. Christians don't kill each other for not converting to another denomination of Christian like the religion of peace does. The Shia and Sunni hate each other and I don't understand why they follow the same Koran (Holy Book).



Christian used to do that when they had the power. The bible and the Koran can be equally dangerous. You can justify anything using those books. Anyone can interpret it anyway they want. The moment someone says they have the right interpretation, they have lost. KKK and the Westboro church uses the same book as other Christians. 


Like I said Religion makes people lazy and stupid. 


Message 12 of 29
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Christian Radio

ufo: "Each one is a totally different religion nothing to do with me I follow my religion."


Can I ask 'what is your religion' and 'which version of the Bible do you use' ?

Message 13 of 29
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Christian Radio

"You couldn't be an athiest if you knew absolutely nothing about religion.  It's often the ones that have studied the a$$ out of religion, so much so, it's turned them athiest becasue they just cant get anything solid they can see, touch, hear or feel that is proof of God"


It could be argued also that not only as above, but that the human condition can be seen to always go against its own faith by behaviour/s totally opposed to what the world needs, and that's a great shame in my opinion.  All about selfish interpretation of what people want, not what people need or deserve within their own environments.


If there is a personal god, a real creator of the universe, what a disappointment!

Message 14 of 29
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Christian Radio

. Christians don't kill each other for not converting to another denomination of Christian like the religion of peace does.


You have obviously never lived in Belfast.

Message 15 of 29
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Christian Radio

Exactly She-ele

Christians have a very long history of killing each other over religion
Message 16 of 29
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Christian Radio

Didn't bush declare that God told him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan? Casualties in Iraq from 2003 - over 500,000 although later reports say closer to 700,000 - I wonder if God told him to use depleted uranium? It was also used in the 1991  invasion. Cancer and birth defects have jumped dramatically.



Coordinates revealing where US jets and tanks fired nearly 10,000 DU rounds in Iraq during the war in 2003 have been obtained by the Dutch peace group Pax. This is the first time that any US DU firing coordinates have been released, despite previous requests by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Iraqi government.



Message 17 of 29
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Christian Radio


@debra9275 wrote:
Exactly She-ele

Christians have a very long history of killing each other over religion

But I would have to argue like with IS in Iraq, Syria and anywhere else they occupy atm as with historical Christian blood thristy conversion attempts, these "extremist" groups (and they were just as extreme then as some of these groups are today) are not the real deal (imo) when it comes to their approach to their given faith.  They say they are Muslims or Christians but they just use the name of religion to further their agenda.  


Anyone can cherry pick quotes out of their particular doctrine and interperet what ever they like into it.  The JW's are a perfect example of this (again, imo) because all of their publications are rife with cherry picked quotes out of the Bible and (not to mention they have their own New World Translation of the Bible of which no one particular person has ever been credited for re writing) Please dont get me wrong, I love the JW's.  The work they do is tireless, it really is.  Just for some trivia, dont know how much peeps here actually know about what the JW's are really about.  


All of those Kingdom Halls you see in towns all over the world, they are all built by JW's.  It's a totally socialist idea (imo) everyone who has skills in the building industry donates their labour and travels as far and wide as they are needed (they dont have to donate the resources, because they already have the money from collection boxes that are in the Kindom Halls.  There are three in total 1 for local work, one for building supplies and one for publications or something like that, anyway there is no pressure to pay anything, all you are ever expected to pay is what you can afford.  If thats only 2 bucks every time you go then so be it)


Their sermons from what I have seen are not ever about how much money you can contribute, what they really do is study the Bible.  And if you ever become one you will have to go through the whole door knock/offer to anyone who is interested 1 hour of Bible study per week for free for as long as the person/people you are studying with want you to come over and study the bible with them once a week.  You will be studying straight from their publications though, but when comparing their NWT against say the NIV or King James versions, there really is very little difference in the general message although the language in their version is more modern and does away with all the thou's thy's and thee's etc. There are some iffy translations imo in the NWT but thats a different topic and I know..... I've already gone on way too long...



Message 18 of 29
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Christian Radio

But I would have to argue like with IS in Iraq, Syria and anywhere else they occupy atm as with historical Christian blood thristy conversion attempts, these "extremist" groups (and they were just as extreme then as some of these groups are today) are not the real deal (imo) when it comes to their approach to their given faith.  They say they are Muslims or Christians but they just use the name of religion to further their agenda.  



so true, but my point was that there is a history of blood thirsty conversion attempts from most  religions

Message 19 of 29
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Christian Radio

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

ufo: "Each one is a totally different religion nothing to do with me I follow my religion."


Can I ask 'what is your religion' and 'which version of the Bible do you use' ?

Roman Catholic

For the Bible version go to the vatican website.

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