Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update: Formula One Grand Prix called off, Trump announces travel ban, Tom Hanks tests positive

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Re: Coronavirus update

Re: Coronavirus update


in reply to chameleon54

3 hours ago

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Communist dictatorship 

Holding Victorians prisoner in their own homes.

Deliberately sabotaging.

philosophical spite and hate.

Sick dictator

Control freak,

Getting a power kick out of locking his subjects up


If this is what passes for respectful and intelligent debate in your lexicon, then I think the only appropriate response is TINFOIL HAT

Well, looking at what chameleon54 has written one would have to consider all of those.Australia is no exception to corruption in politics and countries have been invaded on fake info, people have been run out if their homes and forced to live on the street due to the corruption of banks so why would Australia be an exception. All of what chameleon54 put down could actually be true. I would hope that this is not the case and Andrewas is nothing more than an incompetent fool but look at what is happpening!

Message 2741 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update



* * *

@4channel wrote:

So true what you say. I would like to add though that capitalism at its extreme is no different than communism. There are those at the top who reap the benefits, the destruction of the middle class and those down below who wonder how they'll get along tomorrow. Whatever Andrews is up to it's going to be great news for some huge companies.

@debra9275 wrote:


something I recently learned about Kennett who granted crown casino their license when he was premier is that all this time, he has had a contract for one of his companies to service the poker machines there



Stephen Mayne
Hey Jeff Kennett
, any apologies about the monstrous den of iniquity you created on the banks of the Yarra? And is your pokies servicing company likely to retain its Crown contract if Packer loses control? Never a good look to put you on Crown payroll given all you did for them.
Stephen, You are so biased and uninformed. We do not have a contract with Crown. That ended some months ago. Grow up and try and become relevant
so , I have to agree wth your post about those at the top who reap the benefits


I would say one thing about Kennett though Debra, in later years he has become more of a human being. Politics is a toxic environment and brings out the worst in some people. When they get away from it, with some the healing can begin. If Kennett has seen the light like Malcolm Fraser did then that;'s an achievement.


Sometimes too, politicians who have done some not so good things in the past, taken advantage of situations for their own benefit do get alarmed, angered and disgusted when they see their country or state being destroyed.

Message 2742 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Not so sure that he's become more of a human being 4chan.. I'd say his hip pocket motivates much of what he does these days


a read of his twitter account is a good indication of who he is and what he's like.



a good day for us in Vic today



 Malcolm Fraser was a very good man in his latter years, I liked him a lot

Message 2743 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Yes Fraser was. His resigning from the Liberal Party due to certain characteristics such as racism and dishonesty was a statement that was as bold as bold can be.


Fraser once said that when certain people leave university they look for a career in politics or unions and after they get a leg up they spend the rest of their career paying back the people who gave them that leg up.

Message 2744 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Yes, a good day for Victoria.


Things are slowly to be opened up.  11.59pm tomorrow night.  Cafes, Bars, Restaurants and Retail.


The ring around Melbourne separating us from Regional Vic is to be opened on Nov 8th.


It seems one poster from Melbourne, thought it was ok to visit grandkids in Regional Vic on the weekend to watch the footy final with them.


Rules for some....rules for others.   Just sayin'

Message 2745 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

we had a picnic in a park with mum & dad last week...   Dad is 92 and we hadn't seen each other for at least 3 months


because of his age, we need to be really careful and still will be...... need to stick to rules to keep everyone safe


my daughter is in a bit of a panic ,as they want her back at work tomorrow.. then for 9 days straight.. I think they're short staffed because only she and her manager qualified for jobkeeper...  hope they get some more staff on soon

Message 2746 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@imastawka wrote:

Yes, a good day for Victoria.


Things are slowly to be opened up.  11.59pm tomorrow night.  Cafes, Bars, Restaurants and Retail.


The ring around Melbourne separating us from Regional Vic is to be opened on Nov 8th.


It seems one poster from Melbourne, thought it was ok to visit grandkids in Regional Vic on the weekend to watch the footy final with them.


Rules for some....rules for others.   Just sayin'

I had a letter from my daughters doctor giving me permission to spend some quality time with her as she is not coping very well atm.Nothing wrong or illegal in what I did..perhaps private message me before spreading your scarasm thru the boards imastawkaSmiley Sad

Message 2747 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Message 2748 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@nicnacs_4u wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

Yes, a good day for Victoria.


Things are slowly to be opened up.  11.59pm tomorrow night.  Cafes, Bars, Restaurants and Retail.


The ring around Melbourne separating us from Regional Vic is to be opened on Nov 8th.


It seems one poster from Melbourne, thought it was ok to visit grandkids in Regional Vic on the weekend to watch the footy final with them.


Rules for some....rules for others.   Just sayin'

I had a letter from my daughters doctor giving me permission to spend some quality time with her as she is not coping very well atm.Nothing wrong or illegal in what I did..perhaps private message me before spreading your scarasm thru the boards imastawkaSmiley Sad

Nothing sarcastic in The Stalking One's post


You indicated you were merely going for a visit with you daughter and grandkids, so you could all watch the footy together, nothing was mentioned re your daughter's health until now   .......very convenient imo


Losta people are ill and cant see their loved ones because the gov is/was trying to keep this virus out of regional Vic. I am assuming you had a Covid test and waited for the results before travelling

Message 2749 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@nicnacs_4u wrote:


I had a letter from my daughters doctor giving me permission to spend some quality time with her as she is not coping very well atm.Nothing wrong or illegal in what I did..perhaps private message me before spreading your scarasm thru the boards imastawkaSmiley Sad


It shouldn't come to you having to justify yourself. Some folks should not try and make out someone's doing something they wrong when they don't have the facts in front of them. Sometimes knowing the facts makes no difference to them.  It's obvious that you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes people for whatever reasons / motives they have just see an opening within what someone has said and decide to take advantage of it .


It's wrong!

Message 2750 of 3,689
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