Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

An Australian court has found the strict vegan diet fed to a young child left her malnourished, mentally undeveloped, unable to talk, play with toys or roll over. It just confirms what I have always thought. Humans have developed over thousands of years to eat meat and other animal products. Veganism is an artificial concept that ignores our natural physiology and nutritional needs. If adults want to follow these beliefs thats their perogative, but once they start trying to force their beliefs onto others, including children in their care it only highlights the dangers of the unnatural vegan philosophy.

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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
I totally agree with you.
Amazing as it sounds.
I also believe that parents should not determine a child's religious beliefs.
Sports club affiliations
Basically anything that has to do with their lives besides their health and safety
Message 2 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

@martinw-48 wrote:
I totally agree with you.
Amazing as it sounds.
I also believe that parents should not determine a child's religious beliefs.
Sports club affiliations
Basically anything that has to do with their lives besides their health and safety

If any of my children had barracked for anyone but Geelong, it would certainly have affected their health and safety.

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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

I'm not vegan (and never will be) but there is a LOT of information out there for vegans about the possibility of potential vitamin deficiencies and what to do about it.  Didn't those parents read the memo?


After seeing what they fed the child I would say that vegan or not, they were grossly incompetent parents whose commonsense about feeding a child (even by their own diet) just flew out the window.

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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
Well we would have had a real problem joztamps because I can't stand any ball sport
Message 5 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
I wouldn't be surprised if you hate Ford vehicles too
Message 6 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

@martinw-48 wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if you hate Ford vehicles too

Not quite sure what thats all about, I dont actually hate anything much.....( lifes to short to carry that sort of emotional baggage around )............Man Frustrated


I have had a number of Holdens and Fords over the years. When younger my shearing car was a factory 307 Chevy powered HK Holden and my weekend car was 2 door 1964 XM Ford coupe. ( Black with chromies ).  Oh how I wish I had kept those two.


When I was 17 I purchased a mint, one owner Ford XP ute with the original Tonua Cover, books etc. I ran that one till the six digit numeric rego ran out and then put it up on blocks in an old stone barn out bush. It is still there 3 decades later, waiting for me to retire and get it back on the road. Its probably too good to restore. I might just give it wash, go through the brakes etc. and put it on club rego in original condition. Holden, Ford, VW or Leyland. I couldnt really give a toss as long as it is fun to drive and reasonably reliable.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
Sorry I forgot to address that comment to joztamps like the one previous
Message 8 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

Community Member
I always wanted an XM coupe.
I'm jealous
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Court convicts parents of starving child on strict vegan diet.

@martinw-48 wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if you hate Ford vehicles too

Why would I hate Ford cars?


The oldest, longest-running sports sponsorship in Australian history is Ford's sponsorship of Geelong Footy Club.

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