Covid-19 survivors post

Just wondering if any other people here has suffered Covid-19 and what were your experiences


As for me i tested positive recently via pcr and RAT

I was self testing for the previous 3 or 4 days prior with neg results as i suffered painful flu like symptoms minus joint pain so tested for Covid daily  , while mitigating against the unknown illness by changing diet and isolating

Morning of day 4 tested neg using RAT then later tested pcr which was reported pos next day . Tested by RAT which showed pos , so awaited my fate .....

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Covid-19 survivors post

I’ve avoided being infected thus far. I can’t weigh in with personal experience on COVID or with LongCOVID, although I did have a miserable 2919 with constant symptoms similar to it. Other viral infections may result in a similar response…

Message 31 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

@janeababe wrote:

My temp remained normal throughout my 16 days of covid positive, yet I was absolutely freezing the entire time. I still have bouts of feeling extremely cold. 
My long-covid symptoms have wained now, with very minimal effects remaining. The odd exhaustion but I also work shift work, so that could be it too.  
A bit from column A and a bit from column B 😉

Now that you mention it, I can recall the Sunday afternoon when I think I had covid. I had an absolutely splitting headache and felt freezing & shivery, which is something rare for me as I like cold much more than heat.

Next day I felt a lot better but still a bit washed out & with visual effects like migraine.


I never took my temp so I don't know what it was. I feel very fortunate that it was short lasting and I was okay by Tuesday & by Thursday I was a  ball of energy.

Message 32 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

Community Member

SEE 19.


is your walking up the garden path.


IF,ya choose.


IF not,


listen to the same old.

Message 33 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

I had some trouble working out what you meant at first and I am still not sure if I have it 100% but if you are implying all the talk about C19 and all the vaccines etc are nonsense, then I don't think the science backs you up.

I've been collecting some stats (as has countess on here) and one interesting report I read in October.


Part of it said:

Of the 1,100 deaths recorded in the past three months, 49 per cent had not received three doses of the vaccine.


Now you may answer, ha! That means that 51% had received 3 doses.


But the thing is, something like 97% of the adult population has been vaccinated. If you expected the vaccine to make no difference to mortality rates, then the unvaccinated should, surely, only make up about 3-5% of the death rate, at most.


49% means the unvaxxed are massively over represented in the death rates.

I personally don't think vaccination is stopping people getting covid, necessarily. Most vaccines weren't developed for the current strains. But I do think they are helping to keep a lot of people from dying.


If you are under 50 and healthy, the chances are good that you will survive covid but it is like any other disease, the older you get, the more vulnerable you might be because you often have other conditions as well.

Message 34 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

The data on Covid 19 is barely mentioned on the news channels these days. But it appears more people are suffering from long Covid problems. It probably is still too early to understand the really long effects and whether they can eventually contribute to premature death in some people.

Message 35 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

Low body temperature was my experience as well - which makes one wonder what illness officials were high temperature testing for at for example at the airports and how many covid positive people passed the high temp fever test..... if low body temperature is a common covid-19 symptom.


So for a person suffering high fever and is pcr tested covid positive , could this have been a case of another coronavirus type infection such as common cold ?

Message 36 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post



A cold virus does not result in a positive PCR test for COVID-19.



Message 37 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

Mind over matter.


Fear propagates the mind.


Less is more.



Message 38 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

@bryzen wrote:


Less is more.



Good advice - perhaps take it. 🙄

Message 39 of 47
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Covid-19 survivors post

Community Member

Pay less attention to the *news* n *so called experts*


The hardest thing is knowing one self.


Be your own doctor.


Prescriptions outside of oneself,


Fear is the repertoire.


Listen to your body,


eat when hungry.


Drink when thirsty.



Message 40 of 47
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