27-05-2021 09:31 AM - edited 27-05-2021 09:34 AM
We don't know yet exactly what sort of lockdown it will be.
We don't know yet exactly how severe it will be, what things will be further restricted.
We don't know yet exactly how long the lockdown will be imposed.
But we know that there will be a lockdown.
I'm so disheartened by the fact that this was preventable. What possessed case number 5 (the case who contracted COVID-19 from the Wollert cluster (via a missing link, probably?) to ignore his symptoms for more than 4 days? What possessed him to go out and about while symptomatic? Was he wearing a mask? (I'll take a wild stab at it and say no, he probably wasn't.) Was he socially distancing? (Clearly not.)
Taken in conjunction with the general complacency and vaccine reluctance, the discarding of masks in public transport, the lack of enforcement (with police chiefs being - in my view - a bit ridiculous in scoffing at the task of enforcing health directives), the surging together of people much closer than 1.5 metres when we know - surely we call know! - that this pandemic is far from over, and the number of people who are shaking hands and kissing and hugging... it's making my heart sink like a concrete boot.
I skipped wearing a mask twice recently, I admit. I had it with me, but I popped into the bank and thought it would be a good idea not to obscure my face for security reasons. I also went to a supermarket for one item, late at night just before it closed. It was not wise. Oh! And one more time... at the Melbourne Recital Centre while enjoying a fabulous concert. Every other time, yes, I've masked up. But now I feel foolish, and I won't be making any exceptions.
Stupid-decision-making people could be walking around in any part of Melbourne or indeed Victoria, refusing to be tested, brushing off their symptoms, scoffing at the notion of wearing a mask or sanitising their hands.
And more political point-scoring is being launched as well. I've no patience for it; we need to be working together to resolve these problems, and stamp out this outbreak. Ironically it is because we as a country have been doing so well that the complacent behaviour has crept back.
Fellow Melbournians and Victorians, we just have to be strong, and let's do our best to reiterate that the hygiene behaviours (
and unfortunately now (probably)
as well) MUST be followed until Australia has achieved herd immunity - and even after that, we should at the very least maintain hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
Let's try to lead the world into effective long-term behaviour change.
And God help us all as we enter into whatever lockdown hell lies before us. *virtual hug* - because that's the only sort I can give you.
on 27-05-2021 09:06 PM
I’ve just had the news that a family member who had been resistant to getting AstraZeneca has been convinced by the current situation to book her shot for early next week.
I’m very relieved.
I’ll be picking up more single-use P2/N95 masks tomorrow. We go through them at a great rate but it’s worth it.
on 27-05-2021 09:26 PM
If anyone is interested, OzKleen are currently selling KN95 - 10 pack and 3PLY face masks - 50 pack for 50% off as part of their EOFY sale. Both are disposable. The site is online.
28-05-2021 03:51 PM - edited 28-05-2021 03:51 PM
@kopenhagen5 wrote:It's taken 6 months for me to organize dads farewell spreading of ashes at the beach for everyone all over Vic to come to Melbourne (Westernport) this Sunday, on his birthday.
Now I have just sent cancellation messages to everyone and cancelled the booked lunch.
Apparently I will be charged $20 cancellation per person as well. (Had to give credit card on booking)
Maybe I go eat fugu.
Nooo, don't eat fugu.
Kopes, more pain surrounding the loss of your dad. I'm sorry.
You gave the restaurant 3 days notice. Is there anywhere in their booking T & C's that states the amount to cover cancellation and within what time?
I believe it to be a rip-off personally, and would instigate a charge back with the bank if they go through with charging $20 pp.
How is it your fault? You didn't cancel. It's a lockdown.
on 28-05-2021 04:32 PM
I would have thought the restaurant would have had to cancel it themselves anyway.
on 28-05-2021 06:15 PM
Kopes, perhaps get hold of the management? Remember, they are locked down as well which most likely means no matter what, they could not hold the event for you either. This means you should get your money back because on both sides, yours and theirs, it is beyond control and the circumstances of the lockdown dictates nobody at fault. xx
on 28-05-2021 06:48 PM
on 28-05-2021 06:55 PM
It's an upset Kopes, but even though it won't be your dear father's birthday, there will be another opportunity and it will be just as poignant, it's all in the meaningful heart xxx
on 28-05-2021 09:03 PM
kopenhagen, I'm sorry that you had such stress loaded upon you at a difficult time. At least the restaurant has ended up doing the right thing.
Day 1 of lockdown: 4 cases, more exposure sites. Lack of checking in (using QR codes) all too apparent. That makes it so much harder for the contact tracing to occur; I'm not surprised that the missing link between the returned Wollert man and the "case no. 5" man is still missing.
on 28-05-2021 10:37 PM
I went into an electronics shop today to price a couple of kitchen items. As I entered, I looked for the QR code to scan but couldn't find it. There was a poster with a QR code but it was related to getting their latest catalogue. I asked the staff and was told that they didn't need to have one as they had checks on the numbers of people in the store. I pointed out that the reason for customers scanning QR codes was to enable tracking and tracing in the event of someone in the locality testing positive and was met with blank looks. They said that they could track customers by the receipt information when they purchased something. Blank looks again when I asked about customers just browsing.
This is an Australia wide shop - I wonder what procedures they follow in Victoria? I know Darwin has no locally transmitted Covid but the past month we have had record numbers of tourists from all over Australia. I'm feeling a little vulnerable!!
on 29-05-2021 04:27 PM
A month or so ago, I accompanied hubby to the docs. The doc's is in a local Mall.
Whilst there we decided to have some brekkie at the local cafe. We signed in (they had a QR code as well) and while enjoying a great brekkie, I watched the parade of people just by-passing the check in.
I was horrified.
Also horrifying is this blatant disregard -
Maskless lockdown, anti-vax protesters storm Melbourne, arrests follow (msn.com)