27-05-2021 09:31 AM - edited 27-05-2021 09:34 AM
We don't know yet exactly what sort of lockdown it will be.
We don't know yet exactly how severe it will be, what things will be further restricted.
We don't know yet exactly how long the lockdown will be imposed.
But we know that there will be a lockdown.
I'm so disheartened by the fact that this was preventable. What possessed case number 5 (the case who contracted COVID-19 from the Wollert cluster (via a missing link, probably?) to ignore his symptoms for more than 4 days? What possessed him to go out and about while symptomatic? Was he wearing a mask? (I'll take a wild stab at it and say no, he probably wasn't.) Was he socially distancing? (Clearly not.)
Taken in conjunction with the general complacency and vaccine reluctance, the discarding of masks in public transport, the lack of enforcement (with police chiefs being - in my view - a bit ridiculous in scoffing at the task of enforcing health directives), the surging together of people much closer than 1.5 metres when we know - surely we call know! - that this pandemic is far from over, and the number of people who are shaking hands and kissing and hugging... it's making my heart sink like a concrete boot.
I skipped wearing a mask twice recently, I admit. I had it with me, but I popped into the bank and thought it would be a good idea not to obscure my face for security reasons. I also went to a supermarket for one item, late at night just before it closed. It was not wise. Oh! And one more time... at the Melbourne Recital Centre while enjoying a fabulous concert. Every other time, yes, I've masked up. But now I feel foolish, and I won't be making any exceptions.
Stupid-decision-making people could be walking around in any part of Melbourne or indeed Victoria, refusing to be tested, brushing off their symptoms, scoffing at the notion of wearing a mask or sanitising their hands.
And more political point-scoring is being launched as well. I've no patience for it; we need to be working together to resolve these problems, and stamp out this outbreak. Ironically it is because we as a country have been doing so well that the complacent behaviour has crept back.
Fellow Melbournians and Victorians, we just have to be strong, and let's do our best to reiterate that the hygiene behaviours (
and unfortunately now (probably)
as well) MUST be followed until Australia has achieved herd immunity - and even after that, we should at the very least maintain hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
Let's try to lead the world into effective long-term behaviour change.
And God help us all as we enter into whatever lockdown hell lies before us. *virtual hug* - because that's the only sort I can give you.
on 29-05-2021 04:45 PM
It's frustrating to see that sort of reaction... I suppose there must be an attraction in playing the part of "one man dares to stand up to the establishment; one man refuses to let the world-wide scam fool him, and he stands between humanity and the End of the World..."
That has to be said in a rough gravelly voice, for some reason.
So... we have 5 new cases today, resulting in several more venues of concern. But those record numbers of vaccinations and tests are incredible! Victorians (especially Melbournians) are now overwhelmingly doing the right thing, and I can already see a fantastic improvement in our contract tracing. It had to be of this standard; otherwise, there wouldn't have been a hope of containing this particular outbreak.
The next few days will be critical.
on 29-05-2021 04:56 PM
He wasn't alone in his stand, Countess.
There were more than 50 maskless protesters in Melbourne yesterday.
on 29-05-2021 05:00 PM
They all thought they were the "one man", perhaps...?
Or I should rephrase it as "One small group of brave warriors..."
on 29-05-2021 05:03 PM
In Queensland we must basically all be what the naysayers are calling sheeple..........never been happier to be a sheep!
Break out - lockdown - restrictions lifted - threat removed (controlled)
Why do people find it so hard to do what is right?
on 31-05-2021 11:44 AM
Things not looking good for Melbourne atm... 40 confirmed cases with 2 of them, being aged care workers..... looks like the lockdown will be extended and the govt not re-introducing job-keeper either.... Things will get rough for them and I feel very sorry that they are going through this again and again and again.
on 31-05-2021 03:35 PM
List of exposure sites, by suburb, is up to 290
Case alerts – public exposure sites | Coronavirus Victoria
Stay safe people.
on 31-05-2021 03:37 PM
And the latest count is at 54 infected. ☹️
on 31-05-2021 03:43 PM
11 new cases today.
And why haven't all aged care workers been vaccinated with both jabs by now?
Seems some haven't even had their first jab, and it's now running rampant in aged care again.
And age care workers were not supposed to work different aged facilities to put a stop this kind of outbreak.
Victoria records 11 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 as aged care outbreak grows (msn.com)
Complacency sucks.
on 31-05-2021 03:53 PM
@imastawka wrote:11 new cases today.
And why haven't all aged care workers been vaccinated with both jabs by now?
Seems some haven't even had their first jab, and it's now running rampant in aged care again.
And age care workers were not supposed to work different aged facilities to put a stop this kind of outbreak.
Victoria records 11 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 as aged care outbreak grows (msn.com)
Complacency sucks.
My understanding is: The Pfizer jab is to be given 3 weeks apart. The AZ jab is 12 weeks apart. I’ve had the first AZ jab but not due the 2nd dose yet. That’s one possible reason.
Also, it’s not compulsory for anyone. Some family members didn’t want their elderly parent/family member to have it (for reasons only known to themselves, but that’s their right) and not all staff have had it either for various reasons too, and that’s also their right.
31-05-2021 10:07 PM - edited 31-05-2021 10:09 PM
Anyone yet asked how an infected person could walk out of quarantine ?
And with such wonderful timing - during contraversy over travel bans for citizens seeking to return from a certain country that is being ravaged by a particularly fast - spreader variant , which incidently is the variant of concern in Melbourne , which out of 5 million resident people at the same time or there abouts , just happened that 2 highly protected health care workers become infected , you guessed ? aged-care ? correct !