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Diary of our stinking Govt.

As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed.  The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.Woman Happy


This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.


and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.


Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says


The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.


Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.


"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.


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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

May we have Joe's Jackboot Juggernaut when it gets close to budget time?
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.




When asked in parliament in February whether he stood by his statement of “no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS” made the night before the election, Mr Abbott responded:


Of course I stand by all the commitments that this government made prior to the election. If there is one lesson that members opposite should have learnt from the experience of the previous term of parliament it is that you cannot say one thing before an election and do the opposite afterwards


He was still saying the same thing this week.


Convicted of lying by his own words I would have thought. And not a word of protest from the main stream media.

Message 3 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Well we wouldn't expect it from Rupert "this is the most humbling day of my life" Murdoch. He makes his living peddling lies.
Message 4 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Reading the OP, it could almost be an exact facsimilie of our lot of incumbent degenerates. Looks like it's the same the whole world over. No wonder comedy Dave (Cameron) is running scared of Nigel Farage and his UKIP party. It's a foregone conclusion that he (Farage) will do well in the EU elections next week, and with a general election coming up next year, might be a good idea if Dave the Rave started to pack up his goods and chattels for a quick move back to his pied-a-terre in Notting Hill - which incidentally, he rents out at £600 p.w.


This is the latest burden on the populace, thrust on them by the Tory party. (We've already had swingeing cuts to disability claimant's benefits).

Message 5 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Cathartic definitely springs to mind, but if it helps, that certainly is good.


Perhaps we could have a sequel:  "historical diary of convictions, sentences, and crimes,  committed by Australian politicians"



Message 6 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Is that deflection I can smell?


Why not address the OP instead?

Message 7 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

It always helps to see both sides of the argument:


"Disabiity support pensions are in the news with reports of a crack down.  It is well known that under the Keating government long term unemployed were encouraged to go onto the disability pension whihc of course took them off the unemploment statistics.

There is constant anecdotal evidence that the system is open to significant abuse. This waste both of money and lives of people turned into dependency has been created and maintained by unaccountable politicians.


A widely respected general practitioner working in a disadvantaged part of Sydney tells how a 40-year-old patient came to see him seeking the doctor’s certification that he should receive a disability pension. The doctor undertook the necessary examination and found that the man was in good health. When he advised his patient, the patient responded: “Don’t worry; I’ll find a doctor who will help me.”


In early 2013, people were surprised to see a photograph in the Sydney Daily Telegraph, of a rioter, Omar Halaby, smashing a milk crate into a police car in a riot in Sydney in September 2012.


It was about an American video on YouTube. His Legal Aid lawyer, Sophie Eden, told the court that he suffered from “certain disabilities” which led him to claim the pension for the past three years. “He has some physical problems in relation to football accidents ... he has literacy issues, a short attention span, things to that effect.”


Because of this he receives a $200-a-fortnight disability support pension, but works as well.


"The controversial Sydney magistrate Pat O’Shane put him on a 12 month good behaviour bond.


Muslim community leader Keyser Trad said it was often difficult for Moslems to find employment. Mr.Trad seems to assume the disability pension is for the unemployed.


This is a view held by some politicians because it reduces the unemployment figures."


I'd say that's the type of disability pension rorting the government is targeting and most Aussies would support it




Message 8 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

icyfroth, yes of course blame those on the DSP, must be rorters - not.


Disabilities group slams proposed changes


But a group representing people with disabilities has labelled the proposed changes cruel.


People With Disabilities president Craig Wallace says the timing is inappropriate.


"This is a time when people are meant to be spending time with their families," he said.


Opposition employment spokesman Brendan O'Connor agrees.


"People would have woken up very concerned that their very modest income is under attack," he said.


"I mean what a way to engage with hundreds of thousands of Australians, to have to wake up to news that their incomes may be cut."


Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes says the move would punish people who are already disadvantaged.

"If you look at the level of Centrelink fraud, it's very small in this area," he said.


"I wouldn't like to say that there'd be no cases, but I think that there would be very few, if there are any."

Message 9 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

How interesting (and convenient ?) that this alleged example of disability pension rorting just happened to involve a Muslim.  Plus the added bonus of throwing in a couple of so-called "controversial" figures (Pat O'Shane, Keyser Trad).

I am sure there are many more examples of this rorting amongst the non-Muslim community, maybe just not as newsworthy. 

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