Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

Driving the ute around today to pick some stuff up and some do gooder has ripped the middle finger off my sticker on the tray Grrrrrr
I hope they sleep better knowing they saved the town from my sticker and I hope that they see my soon to be replaced middle finger sticker that I will glue on ๐Ÿ˜„

What makes people think that they have some right to dictate life to others?

Has some do-gooder ever interfered with your life? Vent away....
Message 1 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

grrrrr,  how dare they.


I have flipping the bird stickers on my car with the letters RTA underneath the graphic Smiley LOL


(you'd probably have to be a trucker owner in nsw to appreciate it)

Message 2 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

Maybe they found it crass, vulgar and offensive - some people are funny that way.

Did your sticker  have a caption on it? that might be a clue too.

Message 3 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

Lol pimpy, love it!

No caption....just a plain skeleton hand. One that blended into the car so unless you were close it would be hard to make out.
Message 4 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

you'd think ppl would have better things to do.

Message 5 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

So if someone is offended does that give them the right to touch my property?

Do people really have no self control?

I couldn't imagine being offended that much at a sticker that I would vandal it. They are really really lucky that I didn't catch them in the act.
Message 6 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

@love*today wrote:
So if someone is offended does that give them the right to touch my property?

Do people really have no self control?

I couldn't imagine being offended that much at a sticker that I would vandal it. They are really really lucky that I didn't catch them in the act.

They could have just liked the sticker and in their attempt at stealing it only managed to lift the middle finger  ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 7 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

I think they wanted it..... and were too tight to buy their own.


Message 8 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

Hahahaha never thought of that Karlia. I better buy two, just incase they try again!
Message 9 of 28
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Re: Do gooders, what are they good for?!!

Some people have nothing better to do, than destroy things belonging to others.

Message 10 of 28
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