Do you eat and drink in shops?

Saw the thread on eating in cinemas and it reminded me of a recent gripe of mine.


I work in a small gift shop and it has amazed me to watch the number of people who think it's ok to eat and drink in there. The shop sells gifts, homewares and clothing. I was always brought up that it was a big no-no to eat or drink in shops, especially clothing stores. It seems to be a growing trend these days. I've had people come in eating meat pies, cakes, ice creams etc plus all sorts of drinks. And it is kids just as much as the adults. People wonder why their kids are getting so fat. Can't they walk around for an hour while shopping without having something in their mouth? It makes me uncomfortable to watch a 6 year old walking around holding a bottle of coke. Call me crazy, but kids can be clumsy.


Do you think it's ok to eat and drink anywhere you please? Am I old fashioned? Would you walk into someone's house eating a meat pie out of a bag? Or eating a cake and dropping crumbs everywhere? Why do people think it's ok to do it in a shop?


Would love to hear the thoughts of others. 

Message 1 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

I have never done it and I brought up my kids not to do it.


My gradies (little kids) dont do it either.


I think it is totally rude to eat/drink in shops, then go touch the items in the shops.


I have often seen kids eating donuts, chips etc in shops, touching everything, and the parent doesnt seem to take much notice.

Message 11 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

Thanks for your replies everyone. Like I said, I'm pretty sure even the people doing it know it's wrong, but they just get lazy.


I just hate having 'negative' signs. But I guess people are used to those signs anyway.

Message 12 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

Hi there,


Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?


No I think it's bad manners. You don't need someone pawing your stuff after they've been eating a custard tart or meat pie! That's just gross.


I don't like to see ppl walking on the street, eating, either.


Don't even start me on ppl smoking on the street and throwing their butts around. Cigarette butts, that is  Woman Very Happy

Message 13 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

People walking around in shops eating looks so bogan

Message 14 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

I didn't think you were allowed to take in food and drinks, so no I dont do it and taught my kids they weren't allowed either.

Message 15 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

Shops are private property, just like houses. So it's really up to the owners on what they allow, within reason.

Message 16 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

@be_kind_be_calm wrote:

Shops are private property, just like houses. So it's really up to the owners on what they allow, within reason.

Yep you are correct. As long as it doesn't break the law you can have whatever conditions you like in your shop (eg; bag searches)

Message 17 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

They have signs in some shops that say (If you break it then you buy it) so a sign saying (no eating or drinking permitted) surely would be ok to put up?

But I'm not too sure how many would obey it,and those that don't would they then give you abuse when you politely tell them to get out?

Message 18 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

I know that we can put up a sign if we want. It's just a shame to have to put it up, that's all. I wouldn't tell anyone to get out. Unless they were dripping stuff everywhere. I never ask them to leave, that's a bit harsh. I simply let them know that eating/drinking is not allowed in the shop. But I've only done that a few times, in extreme cases. Most of the time it just annoys me and I say nothing and just hope that they don't spill anything. But I think the sign would just discourage people from doing it. If it cut it down by 95% then that would be great.

Message 19 of 29
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Re: Do you eat and drink in shops?

How many people actually read the signs? The local op shop has two substantial signs requesting people to not take items from the window display but nearly every time that I have been there, there is always at least one person taking stuff from the window.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 20 of 29
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