Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

Having a chat with a few girlfriends ~ talking about all the stuff we need to get done before Christmas and all but 1 said they now don't bother with Christmas Cards anymore.  The common expression was "Who's got the time to sit and write cards these days?"

A few send emails and a lot seem to either send a message on facebook or a big group text.

So I was wondering (other than me...) who here sends Christmas Cards?

Are they another thing that will soon be a "thing of the past" as our lives get busier and busier?

"Something wicked this way comes!"
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Re: Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

@witches*wol wrote:

I much prefer Yule in June where we celebrate the pagan way just with good food and family and there are no gifts!

Sounds like my type of celebration!


Well, I've bought my first gift just now. I wanted to buy a vinyl album for my son-in-law, blues i.e Albert King. But everybody kept out-bidding me. 😞  I've been trying for weeks. So I have given up and bought him a cool blues (1930's) CD.


Only eleventyhundred more gifts to buy. *sigh*



Message 31 of 35
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Re: Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

I've never bought cards for our family to send out, such a waste......regretfully I do buy the kids them for school buddies.
Message 32 of 35
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Re: Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

I don't let the pressure of shopping for gifts or anything to do with Christmas get to me, I do not race around organising and buying, I guess it's a state of mind. I do my shopping quiently and when it suits me, I refuse to get caught in the frenzy and also do not shop when the hordes do.

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Re: Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

I agreed with the rest of my family to not give presents for christmas or birthdays.


it is pointless to bspend alot of money for stuff the other person does not need or want.


if i see something one of my relatives would like i buy it and give it to her/him, no matter what time of the year.


it is very relaxing and no one ends up with useless stuff.

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Re: Do you still write/send Christmas Cards?

rose*robin ~ I do almost all my Xmas shopping through out the year.  Other than the few people I buy Shortbread or Choccies for I am usually all done by Nov.  I can't stand the hussle and bussle of the Xmas rush.  Plus I am pretty sure it would cost me a heap more if I left things till the last minute.  Better to find bargains throughout the year.


"Something wicked this way comes!"
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