on 05-03-2014 09:19 PM
To what lengths should a country go to to protect its inhabitants and borders?
on 06-03-2014 10:36 PM
on 06-03-2014 10:36 PM
Am*3, I am tired..fighting to take part in a general discussion is too much hard word at times.
Good night
on 06-03-2014 10:50 PM
Iza you have the option to read the Murdoch press or not, that applies to all anti Murdoch people.
As far as the title and opening post go, they are pretty simple and straight forward questions.
I have asked them not because I don't know but to generate some thought and to highlight some of the hypocritical thinking and attitudes as far as border security is concerned.
The law is quite clear on unlawful entry.
06-03-2014 10:54 PM - edited 06-03-2014 10:55 PM
on 06-03-2014 10:58 PM
Easy for some, not so easy for others, hard for the minority and impossible for a few.:)
06-03-2014 11:09 PM - edited 06-03-2014 11:11 PM
am*3 wrote:
It's not hard or tiring to stay on track. 🙂
Even if I have a 1 track mind?
Edit: Forgot this....
*It's easy to see when it's coming!*
on 06-03-2014 11:21 PM
on 06-03-2014 11:32 PM
on 06-03-2014 11:33 PM
under law a country in this case Australia i'm guessing ? most definitely has a right to protect its borders. no doubt or question about that. like all legislation or law there is room for interpretation, but it's pretty tight. under Australian and international law as signatories to the international refugee convention we have obligations too, but that's another subject.
on 07-03-2014 03:17 PM
Yes Poddy, I very much believe countries have every right to protect their borders
using whatever methods they deem fit
And as in most things of this nature
I take as example Israel
Israel makes NO apologies for protecting its claimed (often disputed) borders
often with extreme prejudice
often citing pre-emtive strikes
And again to use Israel as sterling example of what 'protection of borders' stands for
Israel insists on 'protecting its homogeneity'
Now, as we're all aware, Israelis come in all shades and nationalities
So, what does Israel mean when it claims it WILL protect its homogeneity?
' homogeneous (ˌhəʊməˈdʒiːnɪəs, ˌhɒm-) —adj: 1. composed of similar or identical parts or elements: 2. of uniform nature: 3. similar in kind or nature
We must assume Israel means, re: homogeneity, that it is committed to defending its 'uniform nature' and its citizens who are 'similar in kind or nature' i.e. are jews
Therefore, Israel has committed itself to protecting its borders -- its homogeneity -- its jewish population and their religion, culture, customs, values, beliefs
Here in Australia, our homogeneity, which used to be predominantly Christian, white, European in origin, is not being protected by our government -- the government, politicians whom we pay and who we entrusted via our vote to protect our way of life, our values, our culture and customs, our beliefs, our established way of life
Instead, here in Australia, we are subject to what some described as unsustainable waves of foreign migrants whose own customs, values, beliefs and origins are in direct contradiction to those with which the majority Australian were raised
Child marriage, for example: this is not a white, Christian, European habit
Drive-by shootings
Ghettos and ghetto mentality
Bloc voting by minority groups in exchange, via corrupt politicians, for concessions
In Australia, despite the government's desperate PC exercises in promoting the occasional migrant success story, struggling taxpayers are required and compelled to support -- usually for life --- vast numbers of non English-speaking, non-skilled and therefore unemployable migrants in addition to providing them scarce housing not just for one family but very often for the four separate family groups allowable to men who follow a certain religious path
In Australia, we're subject to constant invasion (Israel terms them 'infiltrators') by people seeking not just a 'better' life here, but a relatively luxurious lifestyle provided them -- at taxpayer expense -- for free, lifelong
Australia has enormous coastlines open to such invasion but does not have the resources to protect those coastal borders, quite apart from the invisible borders broached every hour by plane-loads of migrants
Israel wouldn't have a bar of the Australian system
Israelis would not tolerate the same infiltration of foreigners as are imposed on Australians
Israel blithely ignores all directives issuing from the United Nations and all others who castigate Israel for its attitudes re: protection of its borders
I'm with Israel. Fight for it -- protect it -- or lose it