Does anyone go to

Spec savers???


Are they any cheaper than the private/owner optometrists?

Message 1 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

They've been around in the UK for many years, so I once asked on a UK craft forum if they were any good.  Was quite taken aback at the number of replies I received telling me not to go there, and the stories that were told.  That said, I suppose they are only as good as the individual persons who work there.


My Macquarie Street specialist always said only to go to OPSM, so I have stuck to that.  Never had a problem, even though I have some awkward requirements.  If you buy two pairs at the same time, you get 50% off the second pair, though on Tuesday mine still came to $1,600 odd with the discount.  Doubt they'd be much cheaper elsewhere, though.


Might still have a look at the online place mentioned here, as I wouldn't mind a spare pair.

Message 21 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

I've bought glasses online twice for someone else from Clearly Contacts and they were happy with them.


However, for my teenage son I wanted to make sure he was happy with the frames - I wasn't game to buy his glasses online because there was a chance he would hate them and refuse to wear them. So, we went to Specsavers and my son is happy with his glasses. Now we know the exact size and style of frame he likes in future we will buy them online from Clearly Contacts.


I've heard Costco and Big W also do glasses, but I haven't tried them.

“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
Message 22 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

I go there and so does my daughter.


I have never had a problem with them, infact it was them that found out that I had bleeding behind my eye and that I have glaucoma.


My glasses have never taken more than a week to come in and I have stronger lenses.


I wouldnt go anywhere else. I know some of my friends go there as well, and are very happy with them.

My apologies to OP for going off topic.

purple_haize, how do you deal with the bleeding. I have also been diagnosed with this and after only 2 eye needles, I have called it quits as I can't handle the needles. Not a chicken, Much!]:)

Message 23 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

I got glasses for the first time, this year.

I went to SS.


NEVER AGAIN!  May I suggest that BEFORE you get your script from any optometrist, you first pick out your frames! ...Then if you find frames that suit your face, and your script (if you have had glasses before you know whether you are single lens, bi-focal, multi-focal )


SS frames are either from the 50's or cheap plastic... and the expensive Collete Dinigan, Alex Perry etc, are too tiny framed.

I queried my first frames, I believed, (and I still do) that they were not the frames I picked out! They disagreed stating they write this down, and copy that and put this sticker on it, blah blah blah, but I paid $299 for my frames, so I was really annoyed and they wouldn't budge, so I was stuck with them...awful things. I wont wear the first pair! (+$50 anti-glare)


The second pair, I just couldn't find frames nice enough to suit my face, as most of SS frames were black!  Made me look terrible. I ended up with a cheaper pair,(only $199) but they don't refund any of the difference and YET I STILL had to pay $50 for the anti glare!

And my script was $250. So im out of pocket $650 and only got one pair of glasses that I will wear! (sometimes!)

NOPE... wont be going back to SS!

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Message 24 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

They offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied, so why don't you ask them to honour it?  and why did you pay for a script?

Message 25 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

They offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied, so why don't you ask them to honour it?  and why did you pay for a script?


Im assuming you are talking to me?


I needed multi focal lenses, and one eye was different to the other eye!  :_|
They told me the script was $250!  Is this not right? I haven't had glasses before so I didn't know any different.


They knew I wasn't happy, but they refused to agree with me that the frames they gave me and the frames I chose were different frames. They just bluntly refused! So Im stuck with them.  Been more than 3 mths now, and I didn't even know about the 3 mth thing until I read it on a poster on the wall while waiting for my second pair of glasses (had about 4 days until MY 3 mths was up.  😞   (working arov shift, )

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Be Kind To Nurses....
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Message 26 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

Janeabe I think Medicare covers eye tests and prescriptions, so I don't know why 

they charged you.  It's been like that for years.


As for the exchange warranty for 3 months I think you have every right to 

go back and tell them to honour it, as they didn't tell you about it in the first



A friend of mine when she bought hers was told about the warranty 

the day she collected them, and when she went back about 3 weeks later

they exchanged them without a problem.  

Message 27 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

My OH needed new frames, the script is still OK. He went into SS and was surprised at the cost of basic frames. We were in our local shopping centre yesterday and went into the local independant optometrist. He suggested that we go to an Op shop and look for a good set of frames but to make sure that they had two sets of screws so that the glass could be removed and his lenses reset. We did this today and he got the identical frames in excellent condition for $3.00. We rang the local optometrist and he said to bring them in on Monday and he would fit them. All up about $40 for a new pair of specs. Might be worth checking out.

Message 28 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

I have been going to my local optometrist for many years. She then became Specsavers. She said they offered her the franchise or whatever and figured if she didn't take it on they would open up anyway and it would effect her business. She hasn't looked back.


I have recently got new lenses and frames from Specsavers. All up cost $550. Multi focal, tinted etc. I didn't like the first frames I chose and there was no hassle in returning them. The prescription was excellent as always. The service was second to none. I think it just depends on the individual who owns/runs the store. Mine were very particular with testing the lenses after I received them. I will most definitely keep going back.


Also, my partner needed another pair of reading glasses and wasn't that concerned about the frame. The prescription lenses and frame came to $19

Message 29 of 40
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Re: Does anyone go to

Love you shop Corgi x

Message 30 of 40
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