Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Just wondering if it is worth joning Campbells Cash & Carry.  Hubby and I both have ABN's so it's not a problem to join but I am wondering if they are really cheaper than regular stores?


Any info would be appreciated.


TIA  Cat Happy

"Something wicked this way comes!"
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Seriously No One????? Cat Surprised

"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 2 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Personally, I wouldn't bother.


I didn't think you would want to hear that though.....


You can make better savings at the supermarket.


Look on their website and compare prices per 100g to specials at supermarkets, you'll work it out pretty quickly.


I gave up, as not worth it.


Happy shopping!


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Message 3 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Thanks Siggie, I remember years and years ago it was big deal to shop there but I don't know of anyone who shops there now.  Hubby goes to a computer supplier right near one so he drives past at least once a week which was why we were wondering if it would be worth joining as it's not out of his way to go there.


Will look at their website and prices.  I didn't realise the had an "online" section.... Silly Me!

"Something wicked this way comes!"
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

I get their catalogues. No real savings . Sometimes I might grab some large bags of frozen chicken wings, but I can't see any real benefit from shopping there.
Message 5 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

We used to shop at Campbells here in Sydney.   At the time it was well worth it as we used to buy things in 25 kgs of salt for our horses.  It was handy to be able to get 2.5 litres of tomato sauce when there was a sausage sizzle at the stables.

We did find that there were decent savings if you could use the bulk buys but for everyday sized things the savings were not really there.

When we first joined all we needed to prove was that we were running a business...there were no fees involved.  When the membership fees were introduced we let our membership lapse as we worked out that there were not enough savings to warrant paying the that time the family was grown up and had left home so I was only shopping for 2, with the occasional large order when my daughers came to town.

Message 6 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Our company used to get our staff room supplies from Campbell's Cash & Carry. I ordered from them for a while but found them expensive (not in touch with the market), inflexible (they would only deliver on a certain day and if you didn't get your order in time, you had to wait til next week), and they charged a $50 delivery fee!


I got rid of them.


You can get your shopping done at Coles Online, at least you can get all the specials!

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

Thanks for the info - I didn't see anything about a membership fee on the application so will need to look at at it again.


From what you've all said it doesn't seem to be worth the effort.


SO thank you for your imput and I'll tell hubby when he gets home.  ๐Ÿ™‚


"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 8 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

I've been a member for yrs, rarely go, no big deal on pricing, better off shopping in the other stores.

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Does anyone shop at Campbells Cash & Carry?

have a look at Bidvest, it's better than Campbells

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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