on 12-02-2014 06:15 PM
Chef stabs customer for complaining his meal took too long.
Have you got any questionable dining out exoperiences?
on 12-02-2014 06:31 PM
on 12-02-2014 06:35 PM
on 12-02-2014 06:38 PM
I/We (family) waited 2 hours at a regular restaurant once.
When I complained politely, they said it was because we
were regulars, they thought we wouldn't mind!
I thought then, that they wouldn't mind if we never went back
on 12-02-2014 06:40 PM
I knew a pastry chef like that once....
on 12-02-2014 06:47 PM
Went out to a motel eatery with my work.
sat for 3 hours--waiter asked what did i want --said steak.
Asked-how did i want it cooked.
Said--just rip its horns off -wipe its rrse and serve it up...........Richo.
on 12-02-2014 07:08 PM
on 12-02-2014 07:16 PM