on 08-11-2013 02:15 PM
on 10-11-2013 07:35 PM
"I voted for Tony Abbot" . . . . any Australian Public Service employee who was on a temporary work contract.
The public service workplace authority, the Public Service Commission, issued orders late on Thursday to departmental bosses not to renew any temporary contracts or casual positions and to begin sacking ''non-ongoing'' workers.
on 10-11-2013 07:46 PM
Look, it's crystal clear, moving forward at the end of the day the vision is Australia is open for business.
on 11-11-2013 05:08 PM
Yes Freddie.....all of the above.....
on 11-11-2013 06:04 PM
something is crystal clear
There is growing frustration in senior Government ranks about Indonesia's handling of asylum seeker boats, with Immigration Minister Scott Morrison saying "there's no real rhyme or reason to it".
A standoff between Canberra and Jakarta developed late last week over a boatload of about 60 asylum seekers rescued by an Australian ship off the south coast of Java.
Australian authorities wanted Indonesia to take back the asylum seekers, but the request was refused, and the group has since been taken to Christmas Island for detention.
"It's very frustrating... there's no real rhyme or reason to it, necessarily," Mr Morrison told Macquarie Radio this morning.
Opposition immigration spokesman Richard Marles leapt on the statement as a diplomatic foul-up.
"That is an astounding comment to make in relation to foreign affairs," he said. "In foreign affairs words are bullets.''