Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

Community Member

Earth Hour is a crazy idea that environmentalists have not thought through. How can turning off your lights for an hour whilst still have your sound system, your air-conditioner,  your dishwasher, your computer etc devouring electricity?


 Earth Hour is nothing but an ineffective feel-good event.


It leads us to believe that we’re doing something for the climate while distracting us from the real problems and solutions.


Although the organisers are careful to not promise anything, many participants clearly think that switching off their lights will help tackle global warming by cutting CO2. But we cut only a little bit.


Earth Hour is about switching off the lights, not your computer, your internet, your heater or cooler or dishwasher or anything else that would be inconvenient. So you’re really switching off only a tiny part of your emissions.


If all the turned-off lights were turned into emission reductions they would not amount to much.


 It would likely be the equivalent of China halting its CO2 emissions for less than four minutes.


But even this is unrealistic because in the real world power plants keep running to accommodate usage from all other uses and the potential surge after the hour ends. The power sector thinks the net reduction is close to zero.


And even this forgets that almost all participants light candles instead. But candles are almost 100 times less efficient than incandescent light bulbs, and more than 300 times less efficient than fluorescent lights.


Light one candle and it will emit as much CO2 as you were saving. Light a bunch of candles and you’ll have emitted much more CO2. So Earth Hour may actually increase CO2 emissions.



But there is something much more disturbing about this celebration of darkness.


While more than a billion people across the globe make a symbol of forgoing non-essential electrical power for one hour a year, another 1.3 billion people across the developing world will continue to live without electricity as they do every other night of the year.


Almost three billion people still burn dung, twigs and other traditional fuels indoors to cook and keep warm. These fuels give off noxious fumes that kill an estimated 3.5 million people each year, mostly women and children.


It was the advent of widespread electrical power that freed us from some of these harmful practices that still affect large parts of the developing world. Electric stoves and heaters have ended the scourge of indoor air pollution.


It goes without saying that electric power has brought near innumerable benefits to mankind


 So instead of pretending that a minuscule reduction of electricity usage for an hour in rich countries will fix the climate, why don’t we promote better solutions that will actually reduce emissions while extending the gains of modern energy to all people across the globe?


Our climate policies during the past 20 years have managed to cut very little CO2. Just like Earth Hour, they reflect an inefficient and misguided preference for feeling good over doing good.


In 2012, solar and wind power was subsidised by $60 billion. For all this extra money we spent on energy, we generated just 0.3 per cent of global energy from wind and 0.04 per cent from solar. The emission savings from that translate into climate benefits of just over $1bn. Ninety-seven cents of every dollar invested was wasted.


This is relevant not only for people in developing countries who are still yearning for access to electricity. With ever stronger green goals and consequent rising energy prices, 17 per cent of British households are energy poor.


In Germany, household electricity prices have increased by 80 per cent since 2000 and their subsidies are at a high of $33bn a year. About seven million households now live in energy poverty.


Today’s renewable technologies remain expensive and unreliable, and they are far from making a breakthrough.


Even with optimistic assumptions, the International Energy Agency estimates that by 2035, we will produce just 2.4 per cent of our energy from wind and under 1 per cent from solar.









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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

  • From: The Daily Telegraph
  • March 31, 2014 12:00AM



 MORE than 30,000 people celebrated Earth Hour this year under the massive lights at ANZ Stadium, where the Sydney Swans lost to Collingwood.


Actually, “celebrated” might be taking things a bit far. It’s a fair bet that few at the match, and also outside it, knew the annual turn-your-lights-off-for-Gaia festival was even scheduled for Saturday night.


Even Fairfax, part owners of the Earth Hour planet-loving franchise, hardly mentioned it. There may have been a few radio promos on 2UE, but that’s not exactly going out to a mass audience. Likewise, the Sydney Morning Herald’s boutique readership was largely left in the dark about Earth Hour. They just don’t care any more.


As a campaign, Earth Hour is just about over. This is sad, because Earth Hour has previously given us many hilarious moments.


My favourite occurred in 2010, when a candlelit Earth Hour dinner hosted by a Canadian environment minister ended when his cat caught on fire.


This year’s Earth Hour in Australia featured a bizarre online promotion calling on participants to vow: “I believe Australia can and must help solve climate change and I want to be part of it.”


Not much of a pledge, is it? No hardship, no sacrifice, no nothing.


They could at least have asked for a finger or an earlobe.


And this was the prize: “Go in the running to win an amazing weekend away for two to Lady Elliot Island on the Great Barrier Reef.”


Which, of course, would involve the reckless generation of planet-destroying carbon dioxide. Earth Hour is killing the Earth in order to save it. For the sake of our children’s children’s children, stop the Hour now.


Message 21 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

that really is a poor article.  tele readers might like it. but the bias just turns others away to more sensible sources. nobody with a smidgeon of intelligence reads it apart from the back page and the comics.

Message 22 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

Well how about this one that shows that Earth Hour was an advertising scheme dreamed up by the Fairfax news papers and by the  advertising agency, Leo Burnett.


Yep it is a commercial money making fraud designed by the lefts favourite news paper from the Fairfax stable to make money for Fairfax


It surely can’t be long before Fairfax finally tiptoes away from their embarrassing Earth Hour commitment. Saturday night’s switch-off might be the last. Not even Bob Brown at his most fatuous would now claim the stunt has any significant environmental benefits.


The whole fandango, if accurately measured, most probably has a bigger carbon footprint than whatever small savings the 60 minutes of “lights out” might deliver. But it’s not the climate science that troubles us so much here as whether such important media outlets as The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald should be involved at all.



What tends to be forgotten — or deftly sidestepped — is that Earth Hour began in 2007 as a promotional campaign for Fairfax dreamed up by an advertising agency, Leo Burnett (the Earth Hour website now describes this genesis as a “partnership with brand co-owners, Fairfax Media”).


The basic idea pitched by the advertising “creatives” five years ago was to cloak the Fairfax broadsheet mastheads with the feel-good moral superiority of joining the Good Fight against global warming while adding to paid sales and making an extra little pot of cash from spin-off custom display advertising. To clinch the warm-inner-glow value of their pitch, the World Wildlife Fund was enlisted as a partner, complete with their heart-tugging little Panda Bear logo.


This was the cynical commodification of concern — flattering readers with a false sense of empowerment while hoping to make a fast buck behind their backs. And it worked. Pledges to participate in the empty gesture of turning off the lights for one hour boomed and Fairfax pocketed a tidy profit from a 56-page colour liftout crammed with conscience advertising largely gouged from energy companies greenmailed into buying space. (There’s been no sign of a similar supplement this year, a measure of how much the corporate world has lost interest in buying environmental brownie points.)


Early claims for the effectiveness of the switch-off stunt were shameless. The Age and SMH told their readers Earth Hour would “make a difference” to global warming and might save the world 200 tonnes of carbon emissions. The Murdoch papers were quick to debunk those claims, pointing out the probable total carbon reductions achieved were equivalent to taking six standard-sized cars off the road for a year. Worse followed when Fairfax was forced to concede that the dramatic before-and-during switch off pictures they’d featured on their front pages the morning after Earth Hour had been manipulated. 

Message 23 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

Earth hour is an opportunity for Alarmists to show how hypocritical they are, surely if they truly believed it would make a difference, they would have sold their cars and all their electrical appliances........


I think I will celebrate HAH again tonight......out of respect for Edison of course!

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 24 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

we dont use edison we use tesla.


Message 25 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

Use?........giggle......Woman Very Happy

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 26 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

Community Member

Earth hour conjured up in a Sydney hotel room by a couple  attention seekers searching for relevance to their empty lives.


Like the useless the cony phenomenon.


The  art  "seeming" without really doing anything,   like a lot of social media, caring but never doing anything. Reminds me of David Marr, he cares so much more than all of us, see how much he cares, hypocrite.





Message 27 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution


Message 28 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

I wonder how many lights Al Gore turns off ........ another hysterical hypocrite.........sigh.......



"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 29 of 51
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Re: Earth hour Total waste of time & adds to pollution

@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:

I wonder how many lights Al Gore turns off ........ another hysterical hypocrite.........sigh.......



Gore, the bloated billionaire got rich on warmongering.

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