Is anyone else watching this and if so, are you as confused and frustrated as I am after last nights episode?

What the hell was the "Rachel" thing all about.


First someone smashes a window to get onto a house and wanders round looking for someone called Rachel.


Then it seems Rachel has disappeared and a search party, led by the sheriff sets out to look for her.


Then, while everyone is away, the guy to whom  the sheriff lent a rifle (after confiscating the keys to his snow mobile comes to retrurn the rifle and wanders round looking for him. 


Then, next minute (unless I dozed off and missed a crucial scene) everyone is back and carrying on as normal, with no further mention of either the search or the missing girl,  except for  one brief scene where the sheriff is in the bar (I think) talking to a girl, whom I can only presume to be Rachel, and asking her where she went and whether she saw anyone. Her only response is to ask him if he wants a drink and after a loooooooooong, meaningful (?) silence he gets up and walks out.




confused photo: Confused Confused.gif

Message 1 of 45
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I'll tell you one thing - the mammoth does have something to do with it

Message 21 of 45
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@ambercat16 wrote:

I'll tell you one thing - the mammoth does have something to do with it

You teaser you.Smiley Wink

Message 22 of 45
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But the little boy didn't have anything to do with the mammoth did he?


Wasn't it the little boy, Liam,  and the girl whose dad is missing who first found the mammoth?

Message 23 of 45
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At least I am on the right track. Really enjoying the show.
Message 24 of 45
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@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

But the little boy didn't have anything to do with the mammoth did he?


Wasn't it the little boy, Liam,  and the girl whose dad is missing who first found the mammoth?

yes, the kids found it and told the girl's father.  I think.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 25 of 45
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@***super_nova*** wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

But the little boy didn't have anything to do with the mammoth did he?


Wasn't it the little boy, Liam,  and the girl whose dad is missing who first found the mammoth?

yes, the kids found it and told the girl's father.  I think.

I'm confused. Maybe I missed an episode? As I said, my attention span over weekly episodes is not good. I rember the main plot but the intracasies get lost in the maze. I'll have to buy it and watch it all again. 


The way the camera is paying a lot of attention to the mammoth and the way the music goes when we (the camera) is panning over the mammoth suggests that it is somehow to do with it all.

Message 26 of 45
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I'm officially over  this series. On Sunday it  went from rather strange to very, very silly and I've gone right off it. To make matters worse I understand next Sunday's episode is not the final but only the season finale, which means they are going to keep on milking it for all it's worth until they run out of ideas or everyone gets sick of it. 

We did get closure - of a kind - on one storyline this week and I shall watch it next Sunday in the, probably forlorn, hope that a few others may also be resolved, but if they bring it back for a second season I definitely won't  be bothering with it. 

Message 27 of 45
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@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I'm officially over  this series. On Sunday it  went from rather strange to very, very silly and I've gone right off it. To make matters worse I understand next Sunday's episode is not the final but only the season finale, which means they are going to keep on milking it for all it's worth until they run out of ideas or everyone gets sick of it. 

We did get closure - of a kind - on one storyline this week and I shall watch it next Sunday in the, probably forlorn, hope that a few others may also be resolved, but if they bring it back for a second season I definitely won't  be bothering with it. 

What was with the mainland guy (policeman I think) ringing up and saying there was an elephant/mammoth graveyard with millions of dollars of ivory?


The 'flies' that hatched out of the woman in hospital? Are they supposed to be out of the mammoth? ie millions of years old?

Message 28 of 45
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I have also pretty much decided I do not want to watch the next episode.  Anyway, the flies would be very easy to get rid off; just open the window and in such freezing temperatures they would be dead in few seconds. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 29 of 45
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Who knows. the way the series is going the flies  may turn out to be aliens from outer space.Smiley LOL


It seems Pettigrew had discovered a mammoth graveyard thousands, or even millions  of years old.  that's not why he was killed though, the sheriff handcuffed him to a windmill or communication tower or something and left him to be eten buy a bear because he raped the Russian girl with whom the sheriff is obsessed.

Henry - who it turns out  was the sheriff's real father, shot DCI Morton because he discovered the truth about Pettigrew's deth, but then called the sheriff to tell him what he's done so the sheriff would have the dilemma of deciding whether to save Morton or not. In the end he did go to rescue him but Morton died anyway.     See, I told you it got really silly.Smiley LOL


And we've still got the little girls father who is lying semi conscious in the shed amongst the remains of the mammoth he brought home and we don't know who hit him over the head and put him there. Plus  two other guys have stolen the governor's drilling rig.

Message 30 of 45
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