Fancy Food

I saw this report online, it was a summary of one woman's upmarket meal.


Admittedly, it was probably a once in a lifetime experience with a top chef and  champagne, but it cost $799 for 2. It consisted of 5 small courses. The dessert looked fancy but the other 4 courses all looked a bit light on to me. 

I realise gourmet courses are not usually large but all the same, for $400 I would not be happy to go home hungry. The woman didn't like one small serve she had (fish). Said it was mushy and did not smell good so she left it. I'd be forcing it down at that price!


But I just thought I'd throw the first course out here for discussion.

What do you think of this? The woman was waxing lyrical about the plating but I think it is dreadful.

The edible bits are those 2 small yellowish pieces, artichoke.

All the rest is just decoration, inedible.


I have a problem with that, I don't think it should be on the plate if it is not edible. Or certainly not as the main ingredient on the plate!

Michelin chef or not, the plating is a fail from me. Mind you, I can't say I do fine dining at this level. Went to a couple of high teas recently, that's about as good as it gets for me.


artichoke one bite.PNG



Message 1 of 25
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Re: Fancy Food

@springyzone wrote:

I don't think it even looks attractive.

No, springy, it does not look attractive at all. They could at least have tried to make it look nice, maybe in a particular shape, but it looks like a complete mess, really, like a pile next to a garden rake.


Message 21 of 25
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Re: Fancy Food

Yes, that was the report. It was in Toronto.

I had another look and it seems the artichoke was a pre dinner course or some such thing. Still, I am not impressed with the plating. All the courses were kind of small.


I hadn't thought about that aspect, no views, no tablecloths etc

It makes me feel a bit better as I have eaten in places that look every bit as fancy as that restaurant, although never with a Michelin Star chef cooking, I have to be honest.



Message 22 of 25
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Re: Fancy Food

In NSW we were given Dine and Discover vouchers ($25 each) after COVID (although it then came back, but it's another story), so I went to a few restaurants. I spent about that amount, sometimes just a couple of dollars more, and had some absolutely delicious vegetarian meals - MUCH bigger than in that restaurant in Toronto. And there was a tablecloth too!

Message 23 of 25
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Re: Fancy Food

See, now I'm worried what those two from this week's caption this might have been doing in that grass



Message 24 of 25
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Re: Fancy Food

I wouldn't put that dish near a cat or a dog either - or they might use it for other purposes...

Message 25 of 25
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