Favourite Smells ...

It doesn't have to be a cooking smell ... but ATM ... roasting pork.  



Message 1 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

My kinda "uncle" used to have an old Merc. It had blue leather seats and it smelled good. He drove me somewhere in Sydney and went to park the car ... the car park guy BEGGED to park the car for him ... he just wanted to drive it. It was a whole experience.

I don't generally like the smell of fire ... but I do have memories of wood fires in pubs (probably in the UK), where the smell and the heat became part of the warming welcome ... along with the booze, of course 😉

Message 61 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

Tea tree oil








Dior Hypnotic Poison


my dog's fur -  so clean and like a nut



Message 62 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

pine trees

Message 63 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

geranium leaves chanel no 19 citrus sea air country air umm, and lots that have been mentioned
Message 64 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...


taste my religion! nibble a witch! 😄
Message 65 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

@lloydslights wrote:

There are some smells that I probably won't experience again, but the memory of them is wonderful.


Steam Trains at Central Country Platform

Damp woollen jumpers drying in front of an open fire

My aunt's camphor smelling trunk

Kindergarten class room of old (plasticine?)

1950's hospital smell

Old paper money

Just-cleaned horsesaddles/bridles

My nana wearing Tweed




See now, there you triggered something.


I live in MN and when I was young we had some awful cold, snowstormy winters in the '60's.  Some years we had to walk to school and back and I'm talking way below zero fahrenheit.


We'd come in the door, almost crying, and we'd put our mittens and stuff on the radiator and try and get warm.  


There's a certain smell to radiators and snow melting and being happy to be home.

"If it is once again one against forty-eight, then I am very sorry for the forty-eight." ~ Margaret Thatcher

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Message 66 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

I live in MN and when I was young we had some awful cold, snowstormy winters in the '60's.  Some years we had to walk to school and back and I'm talking way below zero fahrenheit.


You forgot the part about it being uphill both coming and going, and how you had to keep the lutefisk sammie lunches from freezing by tucking them into your armpits............

Message 67 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

Very funny.


No you got that wrong.  


I can't say what we did with the lutefisk, sammies is it?


Those were reserved for the Protestant boys.

"If it is once again one against forty-eight, then I am very sorry for the forty-eight." ~ Margaret Thatcher

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Message 68 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

does anyone remember this oldie = lime fresh soap? i wish i could sill get it and also apple fresh shampoo??

Message 69 of 83
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Favourite Smells ...

I remember the smell of Lime Fresh soap.

The smell of the old Germolene in a tin was a favourite of mine and also the old toothpaste in a similar round flat tin.  Not the powdered stuff but more like a hard paste pancake.  Very unhygienic most likely.

Message 70 of 83
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