on 22-08-2014 01:58 PM
on 23-08-2014 07:27 AM
My homemade spaghetti and meatballs
Some mens' necks after they been outside for a long time
Chanel No.5
Brand new babies, babies anytime
Lillies of the Valley
Liked the format tcm. Hope you don't mind.
on 23-08-2014 10:22 AM
There are some smells that I probably won't experience again, but the memory of them is wonderful.
Steam Trains at Central Country Platform
Damp woollen jumpers drying in front of an open fire
My aunt's camphor smelling trunk
Kindergarten class room of old (plasticine?)
1950's hospital smell
Old paper money
Just-cleaned horsesaddles/bridles
My nana wearing Tweed
on 23-08-2014 10:31 AM
and the smell of my gramma's apron..it always smelled like the sun,and bread,and violets.
on 23-08-2014 10:49 AM
cool water aftershave. Its so 90's though no one wears it now 😄
the smell of sprint cars...well the whole speedway smell from the carpark to the track 🙂
the smell of a burnout
and the smell of onion cooking
on 23-08-2014 10:56 AM
on 23-08-2014 11:33 AM
yes,tcm mentioned bacon.
on 23-08-2014 11:38 AM
raisin bread toasting
on 23-08-2014 01:01 PM
Some more old favourites
The Rawleigh's man's car boot
Blue Clinic shampoo
Gestetner correction fluid
Pipe tobacco
gun powder from Empire Night/cracker night
And Pa's garden: stocks, daphne, roses. and tomato leaves, orange blossom and the black soil.
on 23-08-2014 01:05 PM
Good memory Deb. No dementia then? LOL
I remember a lot of them, but I couldn't put the brand name to them
on 23-08-2014 01:22 PM
Lucky to be able to associate memories with smells. I also had an aged blind relative who taught me to use the senses.
So the senses were appreciated with little distraction in my young life's surroundings and that continues.