on 11-10-2013 03:08 PM
I'm in the process of finding a placement for my OH, who has dementia, in a High Care Nursing home. It's all new and confusing to me and frustrating....so thought I'd ask if anyone is interested in my day to day inquiries and answers I've found (or not!) Might make it easier for someone else when it comes to their time to do the same?
on 11-10-2013 03:10 PM
Best of luck with your journey Gil.
on 11-10-2013 03:19 PM
I am sure there will be many who are interested Gill....if not immediately it is handy information for the future.
And there are probably many who will be able to make a few suggestions based on their own experiences.
To that end I will start the ball rolling.....keep in contact with the ACAT team. My father went from hospital to a high care nursing home near us in just 6 days because of the efforts of a very caring ACAT team at our local hospital.
on 11-10-2013 03:51 PM
Oh dear, he's high care already? That seems to have come on quite quickly.
My dad is full time in low care now, we thought for a time he may need high care, but its amazing how much better he is just from being cared for day to day rather than having to remember to feed himself and take his medication. Its a bit like a weight has lifted off his shoulders and he's actually bounced back a little.
Sometimes I can visit and chat to him like there's no difference and I wonder why we've put him there, today was one of those days 🙂 Then I see him play the word games in there and he can only find three 3-letter words from a bunch of 9 letters or he starts telling me the same story over and over or he just has the blank, almost forgetting who people are look 😞 and its really sad.
I hope you can find somewhere he can settle into and be happy ♥
on 11-10-2013 04:08 PM
Gill i hope all goes well for you and OH. Very sad time for you both.
I think a lot would be iinterested in the process of. So please let us know how things go.
on 11-10-2013 04:09 PM
Look afteer yourslef too.
on 11-10-2013 04:16 PM
thanks everyone. he's been in hospital for 4 weeks while they tried to stabilise his blood sugar levels.(diabetic) didn't work...then they assessed him (ACAT) for being "suitable" for rehab at a nursing home...he's been there for 4 weeks, and is entititled to stay there for 12 weeks. we have to pay for it. All efforts to retrain him for his incontinence have failed so they told me and my daughter this week that he needs High Care in a nursing home. So we have 8 weeks to try and find him a place we can afford. Private places are not in my budget....( even tho we've had priv. health insurance for 30 years)...
Our only income is our pensions so it's proving difficult. will keep you all informed.
on 11-10-2013 04:17 PM
It's such a sad disease, to see vibrant healthy loving people fade away.
on 11-10-2013 04:19 PM
yes Freddie...our daughter is particularly cut up about this. I've be expecting it for about 2/3 years so no surprise to me, but she seems to only have just taken it all in.
on 11-10-2013 04:21 PM
a lady at our c hemist said to me a few weeks ago, not to be surprised if I don't feel anything much when I get a final diagnosis, as I've been grieving for years. she's right. not to say I'm not very sad, but I've accepted this is the way it's going to be