Florida shooting suspect arrested

Florida shooting suspect arrested after 17 people killed in high school attack




one wonders just how bad these shootings will get in the future

seems each one is worse than the last and they are happening more often.

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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

I'm starting to think it is learned behaviour. 

They read about another dysfunctional person shooting at a school or any public venue & they think this is how it is done. That this is what you do when you're angry. Almost like a contest to see who can rack up the most kills.

Message 2 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

@davidc4430@David wrote:


one wonders just how bad these shootings will get in the future

seems each one is worse than the last and they are happening more often.

I not sure that I heard right, but did a commentator say that the school has undergone emergency instructions/lessons in the event of a situation like this.

Wow, a new subject to study, " How to survive a school firearms massacre"

Just how much power and influence does the gun lobby and the NRA wield that the so called all-powerful US Government is to scare to introduce laws that may limit these apparent monthly events.

Trump as usual has expressed his sympathies to the victims as he usually does under these ever increasing sad circumstances.

Message 3 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested


@davidc4430@David wrote:


one wonders just how bad these shootings will get in the future

seems each one is worse than the last and they are happening more often.

I not sure that I heard right, but did a commentator say that the school has undergone emergency instructions/lessons in the event of a situation like this.

Yes I Heard that too.   What a world this is becoming.  

Message 4 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

as a country with a reasonable gun ownership law system we cant fathom the madness going on in the USA.


personally i dont understand why even we allow people who dont have a legit use for owning a gun (like farmers) to own a gun.


the way i see the USA gun problem is they dont have any 'middle' ground re guns, its gotta be freedom to own any weapon nothing less will be accepted.

the gun nuts will not even admit theses no need for civillians to own high power millitary weapons, they just jump on the 'its our constitutional right to bear arms!' line.


so there will never be any 'watering down' of gun ownership laws in the USA. mass shooting are a way of life over there and will just get worse and more often as now its hardly even a news item unless its a bigger mass killing than the last mass killing.


i'm sure there are crazies who will plan how to be the number 1 mass killer so they can go into the record books.

Message 5 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

I think that as a whole, the American public has decided that fairly free gun ownership & access is worth the price.

It's a mind set, it isn't going to change any time soon, so they can most likely expect these sorts of attacks on a regular basis, until the current fashion in shootings changes.


As for school practices. There are regular practices in Australian schools too. They are not specifically for shootings but there are 2 types of drill.

1. There's the 'fire drill' which is basically where every class has a designated spot to meet outside. When I was teaching, we did this several times a year. Had to grab a copy of the roll, line up, walk to the designated spot, do a roll check. Prin would be there to clock how quickly it was done & congratulate us all. 

The main purpose was not to get the classes out (as that's easy) but to see that the other parts of the duties were all done too. The prin would get a few older kids to hide in spots like the toilets, store rooms, behind library stacks etc just to see every teacher had checked their designated extra spots.

2. There's the lock down drill. This works in reverse. All children are brought in, doors locked, no one is allowed to move out of their area unless in danger. Not even toilet visits.


We had a couple of occasions where our drills were not practice. One was a bomb scare (on a rainy day too) where we evacuated the whole school up to the local kindergarten for an hour while police checked each room. We got the biggest laugh of the day when one officer said that when they entered one of the classes (where there was a messy male teacher) they thought the bomb had already gone off.Smiley Very Happy


But the second occasion was when there was a knife wielding man in a siege in a nearby street. Every parent had to be called to personally pick up their child as no one was allowed out. We were locked in our portable classes till nearly 6pm Friday afternoon which would be okay except for the toilet issue with kids!!


Realistically, if someone came in with guns, knives or other weapons though, schools in Australia are sitting ducks as there is free access to most primary schools & what could you do if someone came in shooting out windows & locks etc?

All you can do is practice at quick assembly, quick movement from place to place.


These things seem to happen more in American secondary schools so at least teens might have some initiative but what hope would little kids have? What chance does anyone, child or adult have, if they are going about their everyday business in a shopping centre, school, street etc and someone starts randomly shooting?

Message 6 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

Another candlelight vigil,a bunch of people seeking 'closure' and it's back to normal. What a bad joke that place is.
Message 7 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

Security?  A joke.


The shooter left with the other students and went to Subway and Maccas



Message 8 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

There's a sad sort of progression in the US mass shootings - decades ago, it was a lone nut taking aim at anyone. Then it became disgruntled postal staff wiping out their workmates. Now, it's schools that are being targeted.


At some point, someone will explain to me why full-blown assault rifles such as AR-15s are available for the reason of "home defence". 

Message 9 of 38
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Re: Florida shooting suspect arrested

And how a 19 yo can legally buy one.


That's not an adult age.    They can buy a gun, but not a beer.


Nikolas Cruz legally purchased the AR-15 rifle used in the assault at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.



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