Floyd's family to receive $35m

George Floyd's family to receive $35m from Minneapolis as murder trial jury selection goes on




this is how the USA deals with cop screw ups, give the victim or their family a big wad of money


seldom does the cop get in much trouble

only in the worst of worst cases when the media hound the authorities do the authorities actually act against the cop in a meaningful way


btw, had there not been a camera you think this family would be getting anything?

Message 1 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

@imastawka wrote:

There were no cameras rolling when Justine Damond was murdered.  And the officer involved was convicted of murder.


It's the same city that making all these payouts.


From your link -


In 2019, Minneapolis agreed to pay $US20 million ($26 million) to the family of Australian-born Justine Ruszczyk Damond in another civil lawsuit.

She was unarmed when shot by an officer after calling police to a possible crime happening behind her home.


That officer was jailed for 12½ years

main differences with the 2 cases

justine was white

cop was not white

story went international (much like floyds)

she called police for help and was shot dead by them

Message 11 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

@katistrophik wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@katistrophik wrote:

I hope the punishment fits the crime, as for the big payout - if it even goes through it goes no where near replacing a man's life, but I hope it hurts someones pocket.....oh it will, the tax payers.


I think this will have the right outcome, it is too public a situation now for them to just say OOPS here your cash, sorry about your son, back to work officer.


Murder is murder, and anyone that thinks denying air to a human being for longer than 5 minutes is not going to cause death is not only an idiot, but a disgrace to humanity.



If murder is murder. Floyd has caused just as much suffering than imaginable. The policeman involved is guilty as charged but Flyod is not a hero and should be remembered as a criminal which he is.


I hope all that money goes to Floyd's victims. All those he assulted and robbed from .

Indeed, but I don't think his crimes deserved the death penalty

I don't think he deserves to be born. A waste of oxygen. I can't work out his contributation to society. His family definitely doesn't deserve any money.

Message 12 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

Do you believe the same of criminals who are white?




Of course you don't 

Message 13 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

From what i heard, he was part of a home invasion and threatened to kill a pregnant woman.

That's not a small crime. or not in my book.


He didn't deserve to die as he did but if you live a criminal lifestyle, and I think he was fleeing from police at the time, then you risk things happening.

His loss isn't all that terrible for society. His family & friends will miss him maybe but society as a whole is better off without him in it. And I'd say that no matter what colour he was.


Do his family deserve such a huge payout? No, it is ridiculous. By all means give them enough to pay out for his funeral etc and a legacy to put away for any kids (if he had any, I am not sure), but one million would be enough. We're talking USA though, the land of excess.

The other $34 mill would be better spent on updating police training.

Message 14 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

@springyzone wrote:

From what i heard, he was part of a home invasion and threatened to kill a pregnant woman.

That's not a small crime. or not in my book.


He didn't deserve to die as he did but if you live a criminal lifestyle, and I think he was fleeing from police at the time, then you risk things happening.

His loss isn't all that terrible for society. His family & friends will miss him maybe but society as a whole is better off without him in it. And I'd say that no matter what colour he was.


Do his family deserve such a huge payout? No, it is ridiculous. By all means give them enough to pay out for his funeral etc and a legacy to put away for any kids (if he had any, I am not sure), but one million would be enough. We're talking USA though, the land of excess.

The other $34 mill would be better spent on updating police training.

Yes aggrevated assault with a deadly weapon. Holding a gun to a pregnant woman's belly threatening her and her baby's life isn't a petty crime in my book. Dealing with counterfit money is also very serious. Sure maybe dealing drugs and theft isn't a big deal for some here. It's not a victimless crime.  He has been in jail multiple times for a significant amount of time. He is a career criminal who resisted arrest. 

I'd happily step on his neck . I won't kill him. I don't want him dead. But hopefully he passes out and just survives.


Message 15 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

i think we are going down a pretty slippery slope if we start being ok with cops becoming judge jury and executioners


i think we live in a society where every person acused of a crime gets to have their day in court to plead their case, be judged and if found guilty then given a sentence


the system may not be perfect but killing people on the street because they could be guilty of something, or just because you dont like them, leads to a very dark place


lets hope none of us get similar treatment if we get involved with the police

Message 16 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

Yes of course, police shouldn't be judge and jury or allowed to kill, but it can be a high risk occupation and when you put people into high paced, high stress situations, sometimes things happen, bad decisions are made on the spur of the moment.


I've known of cases here where people have threatened police with knives and been shot dead, then public opinion has been-why didn't they do this or that instead. I know Floyd wasn't doing that but he resisted arrest, which is a bit of a dicey thing to do.


We don't have to be okay with an outcome and I think police recruitment and training in USA could be a lot better, but that doesn't mean we have to promote Floyd into some sort of neutral victim. He was a thug, a pretty worthless thug. He didn't deserve to die that way but that still doesn't mean he is any loss to society. And why his family should get $35 million I do not know. It won't bring him back and I doubt they deserve that much.

We all know of people who have been killed unjustly in some way. Maybe hit by a drunk driver etc. What compensation do their families get? Precious little. I know in Floyd's case he was killed py a policeman but if that's worth $35mill, then what should a drunk driver killer be liable for? Surely it should be good for a million or so. But it is not, you rarely find the victims collecting anything like that.

Message 17 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

@springyzone wrote:

Yes of course, police shouldn't be judge and jury or allowed to kill, but it can be a high risk occupation and when you put people into high paced, high stress situations, sometimes things happen, bad decisions are made on the spur of the moment.


I've known of cases here where people have threatened police with knives and been shot dead, then public opinion has been-why didn't they do this or that instead. I know Floyd wasn't doing that but he resisted arrest, which is a bit of a dicey thing to do.


We don't have to be okay with an outcome and I think police recruitment and training in USA could be a lot better, but that doesn't mean we have to promote Floyd into some sort of neutral victim. He was a thug, a pretty worthless thug. He didn't deserve to die that way but that still doesn't mean he is any loss to society. And why his family should get $35 million I do not know. It won't bring him back and I doubt they deserve that much.

We all know of people who have been killed unjustly in some way. Maybe hit by a drunk driver etc. What compensation do their families get? Precious little. I know in Floyd's case he was killed py a policeman but if that's worth $35mill, then what should a drunk driver killer be liable for? Surely it should be good for a million or so. But it is not, you rarely find the victims collecting anything like that.

well of course in some cases bad decisions happen in the spur of the moment


however in mr floyds case the cop was in no danger, had backup on scene.

backup who btw allowed mr floyd to be murdered right in front of them

no cop interviend to stop the 'bad' cop from killing him


that sends a message all cops are bad, not really a message the police want being the 'go to' way the public view the police


people should feel calling the police or cops will get proffessional men and women responding


not vigilantes who shoot first and ask questions later in the knowledge if they stuff up they are protected by the thin blue line from any punishment (unless its so bad it cant be fixed by a simple payout)


i watch a lot of USA police screw up videos and it seems to be they really dont fear any repercussions from bad policing

even if they get fired, they just join another station to carry on as before


the black lives matter movement

from the hundreds of bad police videos ive seen, its more often than not a black cop doing the bad things


im glad our police are usually better trained but even here its pretty obvious if your dark skinned you will get different treatment than us white folk

Message 18 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

It seems people want to believe what they want to believe.


And no-one read the link I put up.


It contains his actual police record.


There was no pregnant woman - there was no threatening of an unborn baby.


His jailable offences were for possession of small amounts of drugs - not dealing.


His last offence was in 2007 - that was the home invasion.


He was not resisting, nor fleeing when arrested.


He co-operated with the police when asked to    He even called them 'sir'


They were the aggressors.  He only complained about claustrophobia at being put in the back of the patrol car.


No angel, no hero, I'll give you that.    But to be murdered for a counterfeit $20 note?


Even the store manager said his new staff member did the wrong thing calling the police - it was not the procedure that he'd installed.


Posters here are rabidly biased it seems.

Message 19 of 22
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Floyd's family to receive $35m

@imastawka wrote:

It seems people want to believe what they want to believe.


And no-one read the link I put up.


It contains his actual police record.


There was no pregnant woman - there was no threatening of an unborn baby.


His jailable offences were for possession of small amounts of drugs - not dealing.


His last offence was in 2007 - that was the home invasion.


He was not resisting, nor fleeing when arrested.


He co-operated with the police when asked to    He even called them 'sir'


They were the aggressors.  He only complained about claustrophobia at being put in the back of the patrol car.


No angel, no hero, I'll give you that.    But to be murdered for a counterfeit $20 note?


Even the store manager said his new staff member did the wrong thing calling the police - it was not the procedure that he'd installed.


Posters here are rabidly biased it seems.

Who needs Fox News or Sky in the Dark, eh?

Homegrown Aussie Liars and Dills are the best.

Message 20 of 22
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