
does anybody has any experience with growing geraniums like this one, not the small flowered fragrant ones:





I bought 3 packets (maverick white, maverick purple, and black velvet - red) of seeds and planted them about 1 month ago in identical seed raising mixture, same day, keep them side by side in one tray under shadecloth that blocks the middle of the day sun.  They get morning and late afternoon direct sun.  All the Mavericks came up within couple of days - 20 out of 20 seeds, and are doing well.  In the Black Velvet pot I only got something come up couple of days ago, first it looked pretty similar to the Mavericks, but then the first 2 leaves became somewhat elongated (they are round on the Mavericks) and the thing is not really doing anything.  The seller keeps saying to give them more time.


I just wonder if any gardening buff here knows bit about these plants.   I feel I did everything right, followed the instructions to the T and I am not happy to have wasted $10.95 for 6 seeds that did nothing.

Message 1 of 13
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Hi Kazumi--while you are waitig for the seeds to grow--have a look on the net for

Henry Lawsons----Water them geraniums---others have had problems.....................Richo.

Message 2 of 13
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They are stunning.

I live on the Mid North Coast NSW and have given up trying to grow them. I would love to.

Message 3 of 13
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I don't know much about raising geraniums from seed.  But it sounds that you have done the right thing having produced the Mavericks.


I do know that different coloured foliaged plants, and different coloured flowers grown from seeds and cuttings react differently from each other in their growth habits.


After just reading up a bit, mention was made that the first 2 leaves to show are only "seed leaves" and the true leaves should follow.


Hybrids of any plant may not be true.  Perhaps you could read about "Hybrid plants".


Sometimes gardening is experimental.  


Someone else might be along soon, who can help further.


Let us know the outcome.  The black leaves with green edging look spectacular.



Message 4 of 13
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Honored Contributor

I don't know where you live, but,  Geranium seeds??

You have to buy seeds?   I have a garden full of big blousy

geraniums that look after themselves.  They grow like weeds here in Melbourne.

I hack at them when they get to about 4 ft tall, never water them and

if I stick a bit in the ground, it grows. Hot all day sun, frosts or drought -

nothing kills them




Message 5 of 13
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1. Seasol


2. Powerfeed plantfood.


Promotes vigorous growth and prolific flowering.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 6 of 13
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so sorry kaz that you had to buy 'seeds'......I have always taken cuttings from established plants- ask b4 hand of course......neighbours, family, friends.......easy to get established plants growing from cuttings. Best to recut stem and take off all leaves and flowers then dip cutting end/bottom, about an inch into a sachet of 'cutting powder' before placing in good quality potting mix in a pot with drain holes, lace potting mix with blood and bone powder. Water well. Always had success. Tried umpteen varieties.


Small cuttings will grow roots in a jar of water......but if left too long will just rot before you get to plant.

Message 7 of 13
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@imastawka wrote:

I don't know where you live, but,  Geranium seeds??


Yes, i know.  I also usually get them from friends and I have some above my waist.  But  I just recently connected with some distant relatives (the same great, great grand parents) in Europe, and they were very kind and helped me with other branches of my family tree, making number of calls and getting me contact with somebody who is a great help with my research.  This lady mentioned that she collects unusual geraniums.  So i looked for some seeds to send her, and while I was at it I also got some for myself.  Now I feel awful, if she ends up having no luck with them either.  I am hoping that she knows more than I do but I suspect that most people over there, even show winning  specialists, get their geraniums from cuttings too. Oh, well I hope she likes the Mavericks, but I bought those really only as a filler; the Black Velvet ones are the unusual ones.  It would help to know if this variety is much different as far as conditions it needs goes.









Message 8 of 13
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The thing is she has already bought and planted the seeds.  They are described as annuals.  Smiley Frustrated


Anyway, if you can get cuttings of unusual varieties, okay.  But what she has chosen are rather special looking leaves.


Just one thing, kazumi, some of the spectacular leafed plants may have insignifant flowers.



Message 9 of 13
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Those ones with the black leaves were growing in a rental property near me.

Never got watered, were neglected.   But before I got a chance to ask for

some cuttings - they were all ripped out and thrown away.        *sob 

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