Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

How much the world will warm during your lifetime

IT IS one thing to predict climate change will cause huge increases  in temperature for future generations. But how much will you and I be affected?

The Guardian UK has put together a neat interactive using data from the latest Intergovernmental  Panel on Climate Change report, which was released on Friday.

The interactive asks for your date of birth, then uses it to predict how much the world’s temperature will have risen by your retirement and your death. plugged in a bunch of different birth dates, and the results are  below. All figures are in degrees celsius.

These numbers may not mean much by themselves, so here’s some context. Global  temperatures have risen by about 0.75 degrees in the last 150 years. The worst  case scenario below predicts an additional rise of more than five degrees over  the next century.


Increase by retirement: 1.1-1.6.

Increase in lifetime: 1.5-2.8


Increase by retirement: 1.3-2.2

Increase in lifetime: 1.7-3.5


Increase by retirement: 1.5-2.8

Increase in lifetime: 2-4.3


Increase by retirement: 1.7-3.6

Increase in lifetime: 2.3-5


Increase by retirement: 2-4.3

Increase in lifetime: 2.5-5.7


Increase by retirement: 2.2-4.8

Increase in lifetime: 2.7-6.3


These temperature projections are based on the IPCC’s “RCP8.5” scenario,  which predicts the effect of a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the  atmosphere.


The IPCC has nominated an increase of two degrees as the catastrophic “tipping point”, which would cause irreparable damage to the environment


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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

uh god

Message 31 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

@*ibis wrote:

so its the opinion of two siblings ? like the koch brothers


LL have you been reading that berkeley newspaper again?

 No , i havent. the koch bros are funders, bankrollers of  flat earth think tanks . they have immense wealth (energy natch) and the facts about what they get up to are a matter of pulic record. its not a 'secret' known only to lefty focus groups, its just the way it is.

Message 32 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

It is a carefully hidden fact that earth is indeed flat and the  Koch Bros money has cluttered at the edges which has stoped the water overflowing and is causing a rise in seas which in turn causes a rise in the need of some people to assign an explaination to this accurance that would return prestige and financial gain if the people could be inflicted with chicken-licken the sky is falling  mentaility .

Message 33 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

that's what bird No5 ?  i wonder what they told the ostrich ay ?

Message 34 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

Community Member

@lakeland27 wrote:

that's what bird No5 ?  i wonder what they told the ostrich ay ?

can anyone translate this post for me



Message 35 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

Oh no the Ostrich showed some sense it stuck it's head in the sand and contuined to live it's life as it always had.

@lakeland27 wrote:

that's what bird No5 ?  i wonder what they told the ostrich ay ?


Message 36 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

It means that the bird will continue to  poop mindlessly (as is mindless birds are wont to do) and the world will continue to wipe bird poo out of it's eye until the bird poo overhwhelms it.

Message 37 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

But it is good for the rubbarb!

Message 38 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

@ca04 wrote:

Oh no the Ostrich showed some sense it stuck it's head in the sand and contuined to live it's life as it always had.

@lakeland27 wrote:

that's what bird No5 ?  i wonder what they told the ostrich ay ?


i guess we don't all see ostriches in the same light Smiley Happy

Message 39 of 39
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