Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

How much the world will warm during your lifetime

IT IS one thing to predict climate change will cause huge increases  in temperature for future generations. But how much will you and I be affected?

The Guardian UK has put together a neat interactive using data from the latest Intergovernmental  Panel on Climate Change report, which was released on Friday.

The interactive asks for your date of birth, then uses it to predict how much the world’s temperature will have risen by your retirement and your death. plugged in a bunch of different birth dates, and the results are  below. All figures are in degrees celsius.

These numbers may not mean much by themselves, so here’s some context. Global  temperatures have risen by about 0.75 degrees in the last 150 years. The worst  case scenario below predicts an additional rise of more than five degrees over  the next century.


Increase by retirement: 1.1-1.6.

Increase in lifetime: 1.5-2.8


Increase by retirement: 1.3-2.2

Increase in lifetime: 1.7-3.5


Increase by retirement: 1.5-2.8

Increase in lifetime: 2-4.3


Increase by retirement: 1.7-3.6

Increase in lifetime: 2.3-5


Increase by retirement: 2-4.3

Increase in lifetime: 2.5-5.7


Increase by retirement: 2.2-4.8

Increase in lifetime: 2.7-6.3


These temperature projections are based on the IPCC’s “RCP8.5” scenario,  which predicts the effect of a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the  atmosphere.


The IPCC has nominated an increase of two degrees as the catastrophic “tipping point”, which would cause irreparable damage to the environment


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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

 its looking very bad. having imbeciles tell me its not happening is the worst part..

Message 2 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

Summer all year lol giggle
Message 3 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

@lakeland27 wrote:

 its looking very bad. having imbeciles tell me its not happening is the worst part..

from the link in the op


Global temperatures have risen by about 0.75 degrees in the last 150 years

im not going to let alarmists scare me into  building a climate change panic room over a less than one degree rise in temperture over the last one and a half centuries

Message 4 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

good for you.

Message 5 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?


@lakeland27 wrote:

good for you.


Message 6 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

You've missed the entire point, Icy. Global warming probably won't have any great  effect on any of us here, but I have  grandchildren and a great grandson who will probably around in 50 years time and, unlike many of our politicians, I care very much about what happens to them

Message 7 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

@icyfroth wrote:


@lakeland27 wrote:

good for you.


 arrgghh ..

Message 8 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

You've missed the entire point, Icy. Global warming probably won't have any great  effect on any of us here, but I have  grandchildren and a great grandson who will probably around in 50 years time and, unlike many of our politicians, I care very much about what happens to them

Oh well that's alright then, she-el.


Message 9 of 39
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Global Warming. How Will It Affect You?

so what it the ideal temperture the alarmists want us  to strive for?



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